Thursday evening – puzzled



I just found out that i’ve been ‘puzzled’ by the folks at discovery. They made some cool interactive puzzles that you can use to spend the free time you don’t have.. Free time s what has me puzzled right now. I have so much stuff going in my work and in my npon-work that I’m completely overloaded.. everythign looks more like torture than fun… which is so wierd because so much of what I’m now doing in and out of work should register as fun to me..   I think my current funk is due toahving said ‘yes’ too many times when I should have been saying ‘no’ to projects both inside and outside of work…..   No bodys’ fault but mine .. I know..

Oh well.. maybe I should concentrate on the fun part…   fin, fun, fun . fun.. ugh…
OK.. I gotta get back to my damn fun.. Nite all. nite Sam

Thursday night – I luv my veapon of doooooooom

Did I really just say “I luv my veapon of doooooooom” on TV ? You guys.. I cannot even get close to describing how unutterably wierd it is to sit down with my family and friends and watch The Colony. I’m seeing it for the first time just like everyone else… The key difference is that I got to see all the stuff that isn’t on the show. All the cooking cleaning, writing, hanging out, arguing, goofing around… etc.. There was so much stuff that I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been to edit it down to an hour of TV each week. It’s really strange to see how people and situations are portrayed.. For example. it kinda seems like the women in the show aren’t getting as much face time as the guys. .. not sure why.. they awere all amazing. it’s quadruply wierd to see how you yourself are portrayed. I gotta say that I’m enjoying the ride.. though it can get bumpy at times. You need to have pretty thick skin to not let some of the more mean spirited blog and twitter comments get to you.. (eg.. one recent twitterer wrote : Colony Ep.1: pretty good until old, pale, naked computer engineer in the rain lol”).. On the other hand.. I’m really digging most of the feedback. it’s actually very good.
Tonight’s show was fun for me because I remmeber this was the week I really started to figure out what I was doing on the show. It was strange for me… a pacifist..  to be making weapons (we made many more than they could show).. I can now say that the phrase ‘do not try this at home’ has appeared on the same screen as me.. I would have liked to have been able to explain the science behind the flame thrower .. actually a ‘propane accumulator’  a little more. It’s actually a very cool device I learned how to build at Burning Man..  

Oh man.. it’s 1:30 AM.. gotta sleep.. more tomorrow !  Nite all.. nite Sam


Monday night – too tired

Just back from a 650 mile roundtrip to ny in 28 hours . I had some meetings in somers and did a mad science show for several hundred kids in the IBM Somers cafeteria. Giving those shows is one of the things I feel most good about doing these days.. When I’m talking to kids about science is when I feel most at peace with myself.. and most … i don’t know.. aligned wiht the cosmos or something…   Aside from the show, the trip was pretty good. I stayed with my friends Chandu and Patty in there new carbo nuetral house, It’s an engineering and architectural marvel. Chandu and his late father designed it from scratch.  The idea had been for Chandu’s parents to move into the house from india.. Sadly, Chandu’s father passed away early this year.  He was a great man,..
    Mutual friends of Chandu and Mine.. Prof. Ralph O. and Clara from the Netherlands  were also staying at the house. It was a wonderful coincidence.. I got to catch up with both couples. I even smuggled Ralph in to see my show today..
    I have a ton of IBM work  and hobby work that I should do tonight … but I’m just too exhausted.. I can’t even think straight..  The long drive back and forht to NY is sometime energizing.. and sometimes exhausting.. this time it was the latter. I came hioome feelign sad and worn out.. I hope it will be better in the morning after a good nights sleep.. let’s hope..
  Nite all. Nite sam.. thanks for riding with me today..

Sunday night – amazing story

I’m driving tonight.. so this will be short.. but I have to relate an amazing story. A few hours ago we got a call  out of the blue from a guy named Bob who told us that he’d received one of Sam’s kidneys.  He’d always wanted to reach out to us , but the organ donation agencies wouldn’t give out our contact info. We had sent all of the organ recipients a letter and one of our SamStones ( with no website info on the back) , but the agency had removed all contact info from the letter  The stone and the letter were  on the wall over this guys TV when he  saw me placing that SamStone in the water filter in episode 1.He called and we got to hear how receiving Sam’s kidney had saved his life.. We were able to tell him stuff about Sam.. It was one of those laughing and crying conversations..  Isn’t that cool ?!?!?! Thought you guys would like to hear this story..   I can’t help thinking that Sam is gettign a kick out of this too !.

Love you all.. Nite Sam.