Friday night – Gabrielle

Busy day working at home. On the phone all day.. but got lots accomplished. I was glad I was already home at 6 because Gabe and Kristen were getting ready for a Halloween party. Gabe had decided to go as Kristen.. So she tied up his hair.. and dressed him up.. He was a pretty good looking girl.. I guess this is as close to having a daughter as I will ever get..

I dropped him off at the party… but by the time I picked him up he’d turned back into a boy.. what a relief.

Not much else to report today.. One cool thing is that I got a great link from Burning Man  friend Kirk. He found this great panorama shot of this years Burn.. you can pan and zoom around enough to really get a feel what it was like to be out on the playa on Saturday night. If you look around, you can spot our timecycle looking pretty and other worldly.

Check out the link here

Here are some screen shots I took to quide you to us.. 

You can even see people riding in the chairlifts !.. Amazing !

Getting sleepy now.. gotta stop before I fall asleep.. more tomorrow. Night folks
Nite Sam !