Saturday night what up dog

Uh-oh.. my laptop seems to have really died.. It’s got a persistent blue-screen of death (BSOD)with a PAGE_FAULTIN_NON_PAGED_AREA error code.. smells like bad memory.. I’m dooooooomed.. i stell you.. dooooooooooomed !

I think it’s only ‘cuz I’m so very sleepy that I’m not freaking out.. I’m bloggin on our upstairs computer.. but my laptop is a doorstop right now.. that will make work pretty interesting net week… but .. that’s why they call it ‘next week’

I have a few more pics from LA.. Last night I met George, Allison and Allison’s BF Scott at a friend of George’s bar.. Lot’s of beautiful LA folks..   Somehow.. if you saked a random person to point out the engineer in the room. I would have stood out… but … not so fast…..

Allison’s boyfriend Scott is an engineer.. What you can’t tell by this picture is that he’s nearly 9 feet tall.. ok.. maybe 6′ 4″.. but really tall.. and, as it happens, really nice and smart. Wile we were on the show, I kept telling Allison that she needed to find a nice engineer .. and it seems she has.. he’s an awesome guy.. He wants to be on the next seasnon of the Colony (Kristi.. you reading this ? )

It was about 9:15 when I looked at my phone and realized I might miss my plane.. but  I wasn’t about to run without a picture.. here’s Geroges freind.. (name ?.. shoot.. can’t recal, ) George, Me (I think) and Allison

I actually got tot the airport pretty quickly.. it was only when I got there that I realized I was completely out of gas.. Wheew !..

Something was wrong with the Delata checkin computer.. it took ages.. so I had to run for my plane.. I got in just before they closed the door.. That didn’t stop me from takign a picture of this ‘What up Dog’   Diane had told me that our dog  Chai had eaten another rock.. or somethign else and wasn’t feeling very well.   She as so much on my mind all night

I got home to VT around 10:30.. all afternoon we’ve been taking care of Chai.. I think she ate some paper towels.. she’s feeling better.. but I can tell that she just doesn’t feel herself. It;s tough to see her not feeling great with no words to say whats up.. I think she’s doing fine now.. I better go check on her though.. so I’ll finish up here 

Satori watend her picture here too,,  don’t want any blog jealousy

OK.. I’m going to do the jet lag thing and fall asleep at 9PM.. more tomorrow.. night folks, night dogs,.. night Sam