Saturday morning – three years of blogging..

    I mentioned 2a couple of posts back that I now have passed the three year mark with this blog. As many of you know,  I’m a numbers junky. I wanted to know what three years of blogging ‘looked’ like. so I stayed up way too late and wrote soem more code (I love programing in Python !) .. and extracted all the text I’ve written here in these last three years . For those interested.. here’s the stats..

– I 3,417,863 characters ( 2,789,693 without spaces)
– That made  627,021 words
– and 3357 paragraphs (seems I’m a little light here.. need moreparagrap  breaks !)
– In 1118 entries
– it’s been read here (meaning at myspace) 313,484 times.. but that doesn’t cout reads from elsewhere such as my homepage, work, twitter, etc.
What I find more interesting is the word cloud I created using http::/  The size of the word reflects its frequency in the glog..

Sam’s name is by far the biggest.. no surprise there.. some of the other stuff is interesting.. ‘cool’, ‘great’ . ‘like’ ,good’ .. I like seeing those !

What do you see in there ?

I’ve done this the last two years.. I’ll dig those up later.. to see what they looked like
More later.. TTYL folks.. TTYL Sam