Tuesday night – Bed bug advisory board

Greetings from grand central station.. or a few yards from it. I’m in NYC again working on a video thing for work tomorrow. It should be interesting..
   One of the things I really lve about coming down here for that kind of stuff is the chance to see Max. Tonight, Max and his house mate Will met me in Chinatown for a great Chinese feast.. Our goal was to find  the place that our friend Stephanie had been going to since she was little.. and order the dish she always got..

The place is called Wo Hop and it’s on Mott street. It really was pretty good..

Here’s the image that Stephanie had given us at yoga one night. I had a picture of it on my phone.. It means ‘tofu with mushrooms’.. and guess what.. it was ‘tofu with mushrooms’..  !

Max had hand copied it out of my bllog.. I guess he was close.. but maybe his said tofu and groudn glass.. or soemthing like that.. we couldn’t tell.

We had a great meal.. and the food kept on coming.. all of it was great.. so was. the conversation..

On the train back to my hotel I sat across a giiant add for a bed bug prevention product.. with huge 2 foot long creepy bedbugs on it.. The thing that struck me though was this guys title  ‘Member of NYC Bed Bug Advisory Board’.. Who even knew they needed advising !?!

OK.. big and busy day tomorrow.. so I need ot get some sleep..   Ah. befre I do.. let me share this picture of the inside of gabes unbroken hand. We went to the doctor yesterday after he jammed his finger in a snowboarding event.. Turns out .. no break, just a bruised bone.. but a cool picture.. !

That picture made me dig up this other one.. I think gabe might have been in 2nd or 3rd grade  (he says.. I htought he was older) .. when he broke his wrist. HTey needed help getting the xray after they’d cast his break.. Turns out I was in the picture too.. That’s my hand and wedding ring holding gabes hand..

I love that picture

okee dokee artichokey, time for sleep.. More tomorrow. wish me luck tomorrow !
nite all. nite Sam