I spent the whole day hanging out inside . still feeling a bit under the weather .. I took advantage of the down time to some video editing for a work project.. I also did some laundry . What’s it say when laundry is the high point of your day ? Actually it’s kind of fun. I just finished reading a book called ‘Change by Design’ by Time Brown of Ideo.
He recommends taking time to look at the ‘super-ordinary’.. the stuff you do every day.. and find the extraordinary in it. Today my ‘super ordinary’ was dishtowels.
Not just any dishtowels.. my dishtowels..
Some of them are .. admittedly pretty boring.. they’re brand new.
Others have a story.. this one.. used to be a bath towel.. washed each and every one of us at one time or another… I wonder if there’s any way to test and see who a towel has touched.
This one has always been a dish towel.. I call this one my ‘ward cleaver’.. it seems I always use it when we’re at the sink talking. just lieke on Leave it to Beaver.
Ah.. this one used to be a place mat.. a wedding gift, I think.. Did one of you give it to us ? If so.. know that it’s been well loved.
This one.. I think.. has been in our joint pssession since Diane and I met.. Though I can’t be sure.. I never kept a registry of my dishtowels.
This one was a giveaway somewhere .. a lacrosse game ? a soccer game ?
This one .. welll. It was always a dish towel.. who made it ? where’d it come from ?
Ah/ these are ancient.. I think we used htem for .. errrr…. diaper work… How’s htat for a thought.
THis one was a wedding gift.. it’s a napkin.. I even knwo who gave it to us..
This one is only 3/4 the size it used to be..
So .. that was my big adventure today..
Eventually I managed to get outside.. Diane and I took a short snowshoe with the dogs.. The snow was slushy and deep… I took advantage of te brush being packed down to hke a bit off the trail and visit this old car. I think it’s a Model A.. . I really wonder how it came to be there..
OK.. that’s abotu it for my day.. not too exciting.. but perfectly peaceful.
Nite all Nite Sam