Wednesday night – past my prime

So.. I’m 51… and I can’t get over the feeling that I’m past my prime.. not as in that I’m over the hill.. but that mt age.. 51.. is not a prime number.. In fact my last prime was 47 .. my next won’t be till 53..    As I’ve said in these pages before. I see great significance in numbers.. I obsessively factor numbers into their prime factors.. that is.. the prime numbers that any given number can be divided   into evenly.. My current age of 51 is a very fine number..BUT  it can be divided by both 3 and 17.. .. both prime numbers..
So I guess I feel like 17 again (and again (and again))   .
  You may not think so, but Primes play a huge role in our lives..   they may not steer your life like they steer mine.. bt they do protect the secrecy of your cell phone calls and email..
   So.. stop right now and determine the prime factors in your life here. Put in your age, your birth date and your telephone number then invent some stupid superstitions that goes around them and let them rule your life.. That’s what works for me !..

Gnite all.. Gnite Sam