Sunday night – untangling

I spent the weekend ‘untangling’..myself . I’ve been finding myself getting increasingly distracted over the last several months.. I’m not unhappy.. just not making as much progress alog my personal mission(s) . This after  a long period of feeling I was very much on that path. I made a point this weekend of thinkign quietly.. and talking to a few trusted friends.. .. no conclusions.. just want to regain the momentum I felt from the past year.. i’m committing to myself to finding my way back to that path..
   In the interim., I did my best to do stuff that was fun/simple this weekend. I pretty much stayed off the computer.. tried to stay off the phone.. hung out with family some.. cut the crass, puttered in the lab..   Last night Mica came over and I helped eher work on her final project for school.. A loight up dress. I tought her and her  mom how to solder, which was fun..


Both yesterday and today mornign  I spent watching gabe play lacrosse up in St. Albans.  Two good set of games. He’s playing well. yesterday was supposed to have been rainey.. but cleared enough or two games.. The third was called for thunder. Today’s games were played in pouring (!!!) rain.. thoguh now thunder/lightening. Again, gabe played well.. despite inches of  water on the field.   I love watching him run !..

At times you could hardly see the fueld for the rain..

It was 54 when they started.. it has ‘warmed’ to 57 buty the end of play  Gabe was freezing and soaked btthe time the third game was called due to soggy fields. 

In the spirit of ‘untangling’ I spent the resto of the afternoon untangling two bins of wall wart transformers and electronics cables. It was mindless and cathartic work. a moving meditation of sorts..   

By the end I’d untanglled each of the transformers, wound them up and sorted them in voltages by bags…   At least I’d restored temporary  order to one tny facet of my life.. It felt good.

Well .. my ,mnd is feeling a bit more untangled thanks to the weekend.. time to dive in again..
nite ya’ll. nite Sam !