Yesterday I was driving to work and saw a road sign warning me not to txt while driving.. The funny thing is, the sign made me want to txt right back and say ‘ok’.. I didn’t think much of it until this morning on our way to lacrosse I saw five more of these signs warning against txting while driving.. these said “it’s the law”. I was shocked.. what law ? when ? iane explained that as of June 1st Vermont made it illegal to text while driving..
Now.. I have to confess that I have texted while driving once or twice in the past years.. though I stopped when passengers looked at me like I was on crack. Occasionally I still check email at stop signs… (is that considered texting ?).. but mostly just talk on the phone while driving.
The whole law thing got me thinking.. I’m all for making the roads safer.. and lowering distractions.. I often think of Sam’s accident and what if anything could have been done to prevent that…
… but when’s it make sense to legislate what makes sense ? Will there be a la banning phone use in cars ? Could it become illegal to eat in the car.. ? .. or to put on make up .. ? Do we have to spell out every dumb thing you can’t do
I’m not sure what I think here .. ?
Nite folks…. let me know what you think.. Nite sam