Monday night – Ltitany

This has got to be my favorite time of the year.. .. just as fall starts to kick in. The days are still hot.. but not too hot.. The nights are cool .. but not yet cold. My feet freeze when I run in the morning.. but I need AC on the drive home. The air is soft .. no bugs.. Even as it rained today it’s nice. This perfect (for me) weather puts me in a hyperspace-y mood.. I sat at my window at lunch and tried to come up with metaphors.. or were they similes.. well.. they were like similes in any case..:-)
   It struck me as funny that someone sent me a YouTube video of a 3 year old kid reading a Billy Collins poem about metaphores.. It’s called Littany

For the record.. her’s Collins reading it himself.. it starts about a a minte and 54 seconds into the video

I like it when my day has nothing more to cover than kids poetry…
It’s like a not so summer day

nite all.. nite sam