Thursday night – shofar

Shana Tova Happy New Year folks..   I had every intention of staying at home today and contemplate the coming year, but
work got in the way.. In fact I wasn’t the only one.. I ran int to (virtually at least) many (6)  of my Jewish friends at work. I know it’s not a big deal, but it got me thinking on the level of busy-ness and pressure we all live under now. Years ago I would never have even considered working on a holiday like this.. nor would any of my semi-observant friends.   We would have all gone to shul (synagogue) out of conviction.. or at the very leas tout of guilt.. Less observant folks like me might have used the time to take a contemplative walk in the woods. Instead I felt compelled to work…   what’s up with that ?
   Maybe there’s a new years resolution in that somewhere..

nite folks, nite sam

Ps., On this holiday you’re supposed to hear the sound of the shofar, a ram’s horn.. played. for those of you who don’t get out much.. here it is…