Thursday night – Tellign Sam

Home again finally.. My day trip to San Jose turned into a travel nightmare.
My plane finally left San Jose at 4:30 AM..   I managed to catch a decent night sleep
on the floor of the airport lounge and in the plane.. but I’m still pretty wiped out..

Even so.. It was a good trip.. The adrenaline rush  I get from meeting new people .. and leanrign new stuff…  always seems ot make it worth the hassle of traveling..

One thing that always comes with meeting new folks is having to tell the story of Sam.. 
I say ‘having’.. in’s not an obligation.. nor is it a drag for me to talk about Sam..
It’s a story I need to tell because my family is so much central to my life.. Any conversation quickly finds its way to my family.. and that must include the story of
Sam’s passing.  THere’s always this strange and abrupt asymetry.. I’ll be exchanging life stories with someone.. then comes Sam’s story.. and then the shock .. I read it in their faces.. and it comes back and hits me like an echo .   Soemtimes there’s a pause.. sometimes a murmured condolence.. sometimes a parallel story.. always.. a change in the direction of conversation.  Sometimes I need to help the person back into the conversation.. I feel a little responsibe for cheering them back up after they’ve heard about our tragedy.. sounds funny.. I know.. but I do. Sometimes I’ll give them a  Samstone .. and tell them about Sam and Samstones.. that usually gets things back on track.

It’s a weird dance..  .. one I’m getting good at.. I guess that’s a good thing.. where would I be if I could do this ?

nite all.. nite Sam