Tuesday night – love my job ?

I got a note today from a co worker who watched me present yesterday morning.. She said it was nice to see someone who loved what they were doing.. When I first read that .. I wondered what the hell she was talking about.. but then, I started thinking.. I guess I actually do love what I’m doing at work now.. I haven’t been able to say that for a long while.. I guess it’s an alignment of many things.. .
My new job is about finding ways to use our Silicon technology to help my company’s Smarter Planet program. . I really like the technical content of the job.. it has a good mix of technology work, people work. , customer facing stuff university relations and hands on work. I love the fact that I now regularly get to work with folks in my area face to face.. . .. I feel the stuff I’m doing is something most folks.. .. even kid folks.. can relate to.. Most importantly, I feel the stuff I’m doing can really make a difference in the world.

I know that things can change suddenly.. I’m just saying I’m grateful to have this opportunity right now

night folks.. nite Sam


ps. How are folks finding this new blog format ?

11 thoughts on “Tuesday night – love my job ?”

  1. John,
    It is easy to find people who hate/tolerate/enjoy their jobs…that makes the relatively rare people who love their jobs so much more inspiring…
    It is definitely fun to work on a project that is easily explained to anybody that is interested…

  2. Hi,
    Thanks Prof.
    You use simple and proper words and it is good for those people like me that they are not native speaker.

  3. First time commenter, long time reader.

    Nice to hear you have a cool new gig that you are loving. You have always shown enthusiasm for most things you do, so I don’t doubt it that it shows if you are truely in enjoying.

    Me am searching for something new and exciting at work. This evening though will be devoted to weaving in ends for all my handknits for the crafts fairs at work. All proceeds will be going to the American Cancer Society.
    November has been both Pancreatic and Lung Cancer Awareness month. Remembering my dearly departed husband Mike- pancreatic, and Mom, lung who are no longer physically present. They remain in my heart always.


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