Friday night – not that kind of nerd

Hello from Endicott NY.. Diane, Gabe and I just drove down to visit my inlaws. Max is coming in tomorrow.    It’s warm and welcoming here.. There’s always a new shock when we get here.. and I feel Sam not being with us.

I had another busy. busy day. The highpoint was a Jolts and Volts show at Underhill Central School. No matter how many big talks or TV  things I do.. nothing feels as good as volunteering in a classroom.

The kids at this school have seen me do this every year.. but somehow they still like seeing the same old show..

Here’s the response to my question “who’s a nerd”  ? nice !

Here’s a sampling of van de graaf results

At the end of the show the kids all jumped up and tried to hug me.. to my great surprise and (I think) the teachers horror. It was great !

On the nerd theme.. we all listened to a whole season a a show called ‘Big Bang tehory’ in the car on the way down. I can’t tell you how many folks have asked me if I loved this show.. Well.. I gotta tell you .. I don’t love it.. i don’t even like it. The science they superficially work in is all (surprisingly) accurate. unfortunately, the characters social cluelessness just propogates a really innaccurate and dated sterotype..   And the laugh track makes it that much worse.

The fact that so many folks think I’d like the show makes me realize whow nerdy I must seem to people..

I’m not that kind of nerd..

ok.. more from endicott tomorrow..

nite all, nite sam


One thought on “Friday night – not that kind of nerd”

  1. Welcome back to Endicott. Too bad our schedules didn’t mesh up for a lunch or dinner gathering. Hope you can find some peace and purpose during your family visit and holiday celebrations.

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