Friday night – half a movie

diane’s home !.. she’s been gone for a week at yoga training and it seems like a year.  Gabe and I got along fine by ourselves.. but … there was no one to:
– talk to at the end of the day..
– drive  gabe to his various stuff.
– share a seltzer with at dinner.
– help me find my glasses, cell phone. keys. wallet, sanity.
– steal bath water from
– help me stare at my calendar
– cook with
– drive around with
– watch half a movie with
etc, etc, etc..

so glad she’s ack.. going to go watch half a movie with her now..
nite all, nite sam

Thursday night – roof rot

Man.. I’m really missing Diane.. it’s different missing her from here .. normally it’s me who’s traveling.. and missing her from some hotel or other. she comes home tomorrow.. yeah !

One thing that’s going on this week is that friends Tim, Jamie and John are here working on the roof of our tower.. It’s been leaking for a couple of years.. to the point that it’s been growing mushrooms… Time and Jamie pulled off the ceiling to uncover a million cluster flies napping (ewwww).   .Unfortunately.. they also uncovered a fair bit of rot.. John is crawling on the outside of the roof patching the holes in 100 year old copper ..

oh.. I forgot these pictures from yesterday.. I went to pick up gabe at Chrises.. and found him carving a hunk of limestone with an pneumatic chisel.. Chris is teaching him to sculpt stone.!?!? .. I love that my kids are good at making stuff !.

Speaking of making stuff. with the help of Scott and his friend Aub. and their machine shop.. . and Gabe.. I’ve managed to get a good bit of the mechanics for my new portable tesla coil done this week. It’s starting to look like.. .. uh.. well.. a tesla coil !

Hmm.. what else happened today.. not much.. Gabe and I caught soem sushi on the way home.. that’s always nic.e I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with him this week..

eeeek.. my batteries are almost out..better sign off..
nite all, nite sam-me

Wednesday night – happy birthday chai !

Chai Mariano Cohn  – aka ‘chai baby’ turns seven years old today..   She’s been such a wonderful warm friend in our life.. She has an almost human presence. I remember so vividly that day 7 years ago that we went to canada to pick her up. She was 6 weeks old.. and made the flight from Toronto to Montreal by herself.

That first winter she was such a cute puppy.. here’s on of my favorite pictures from that time.. Sam holding chai…

When sam died.. it effected chai deeply.. we even had a ‘dog whisperer’ come out to try and listen to her..the women said that chai was sad and tired of having all the sadness around her.. (not sure you needed to be clairvoyant to know that)

I remember how comforting chai was to me then.. she’d just come up and lie with me and we’d be sad together. i swear she could speak with her eyes.

Things sowly got easier.. for us and for cha.. until 2 years ago, we got her ‘sister’ satori..  chai’s still trying to get used to that.. They do love each other now.. but chai is a dignified middle age lady.. and satori still acts like a puppy.. it’s funny to watch.

Anyway.. Gabe and I were not going to let Chai’s birthday go uncelebrated.. We stopped on the way home and got some ground meet and doogy treats.. Gabe fried up the meat..

chai was starving and looked on wiht interest..

we then added cheese and chicken dog treats

then peanut butter

and some bacon dog treats.

and finally some puparonni ‘candles’

Then it was time for happy birthday !

lucky dogs ! They’re all full and asleep now.. and so should I e..

more tomorrow..
night all you dog lovers.. night sam

Tuesday night – home body

So.. i’m now into my second week of staying home.. really home.. No travel.. and no night meetings.. I gotta say I like it ‘alot’ (I know ‘alot’ isn’t really a word.. but I say it ‘alot’.. I like it ‘alot’.. and there are not ‘alot’ of words that convey the concept of ‘alot’ so clearly.. ya’ know ?) ..

Being home means going to ed at normal times, eating at regular hours.. getting exercise at the same time every night.. doing homework with gabe.. hanging out with diane (thought she’s gone this week)..

I’m sitting here actually wearing slippers. ..scratching my dogs… maybe I should start smoking a pipe ?

I feel like ward cleaver

maybe I should get a tv to watch…..
maybe I should get a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches..
maye I should learn to play bridge or canasta..

waye I shouldn’t think so much about it…

the devil finds work for idle hands.. .. I think I’ll go build something…

more later.
nite all.. nite sam