Friday Evening – Recounting the day

Pretty uneventful today.. so slow that I’ll start with two pictures from yesterday. I took Gabe to Chris’s house to work.. Gabe’s been apprenticing with my friend Chris the stonecutter. Chris is an artist.. he does commision work of all kinds. Some of his work is memorials and gravestones.. He often talks about what it’s like cutting these messages into rocks in peoples memories.. in fact that’s how we became good freinds.. he made the original samstones..      As I dropped Gabe off I noticed a new memorial Chris was making for a couple.. I believe the husband had passed away. I like this Emily Dickenson quote they’d chosen.. It made me think of Sam…

Chris wasn’t there and I had to run.. so I left Gabe there in good company..

Later last night we had only three kids left in the house.. most have already headed off to schools. Those of us who remained got together to watch the last episode of The Colony. We don’t have a big TV.. so  set up my laptop to project it on the ceiling. We had to lie on the floor to watch.. it was great.. !

Switch to today.. a really uneventful day..   Late afternoon I left work to get Gabe from his new job at Mexicali’s (YEAH !!!!!!!) to soccer practice. On the way home I dropped by the Richmond post office to pick up a package. As I drove up I saw a crowd of reporters.. I jumped out of the car to see what was happening.. and forgot to stop the car.. it started to roll away !  I jammed on the brakes and wandered over to the crowd.

It was Doug Racine, our local candidate for the democratic nomination for Governor. The primary had 5 candidates.. all of them good. The top two candidates, Peter Shumlin and Doug Racine  were only separated by 197 votes.. the third, Deb Markawits is only 400 votes behind Racine.. It was close  !..  

I felt certain that I was about to here Racine concede the race.. but

instead, he told the crowd he was officially asking for a recount.. My

read of the small crowd there was that folks generally understood his


Note the bell in the background on top of the town center ? .. It actually used to be on our house.. It was taken from our house during a small fire in the 1970’s..

So.. that was the big political news from Richmond Vt.. AND REMEMBER FOLKS.. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST ! 🙂

OK.. i’m going back to my sleepy friday night..

More tomorrow..

Nite all.. nite Sam

Wednesday night – YANGAP

YANGAP (Yet another Going Away Party)..  this must be our fifth  in the last couple of weeks.

 This one is for good friend Nate.

Tomorrow he joins Devin. Angus. Ales, Chris, Ian and Eric out at Montana State.  Nate has always been a special freind. He was one of Sam’s best buds.. he and his family have always been there for us.. He has Sam’s name. (in Mayan) inked on his arm.. maybe that’s why I feel his leaving particularly deeply.

It’s fun and sad seeing these guys all hanging on to each other in these days before they start school. You know that they’ll all stay close .. it’s still hard for them to leave..

Wow.. I’m tired !.. More tomorrow..
Nite all, nite sam..

Tuesday night – work/life

I worked solid today without even the tiniest break.. and it felt good .. . I worked last night fro 10-1AM.. then  slept till 7.. ..Around 7:30 Seth and his family dropped by on his wy back to college.. 

Then a quick run with the dos.. then on the phone onutil about 6:30 without a break. I make a real point not to discuss the nature of my work here .. but i’m involved with soem exciting stuff these days.. the 9 hours of phone calls. with . india, england, sweden china, new york went by in a blur.. I had hoped to go in for a face to face meditation meeting at lunch.. but I couldn’t even get a break to go downstairs

I like working at home.. I usually hunker down in the bell tower.. It’s a great office. it’s about 50 feet in the air.. far from distractions.. far from plumbing too..  / Here’s where I usually work.. pretty simple.. a chair, my cell phone my laptop  and something to drink

Here’s the bell we ring for important occasions.. I hung it the day before our wedding in 1986.

Here’s the view to the north.. we overlook the confluence of the huntington and winnoski rivers.

Here’s the view to the east.. our neighbors house and the ridge beyond the winooski

And the veiw to the west.. over our yard.. and to the left, Robins mountain

… and to the south.. over our roof line and beyond to the back field

Here’s the grate in the floor I pace over..

.. and the 45 foot drop underneath it

I love my little workplace..

The only other excitement in my day was voting in the primary.. I skidded in just befor ethe poll s closed..  I love voting in our little town.. they ask you your name thoguht they already know it.. they tell you how to mark the ballot.. though you’ve done it this way for years.. I got in the voting booth not knowing who I’d even vote for.. Democracy is  fun and mysterious

OK.. not much more to report.. again the house is full of kids.. one more almost goodbye party..   I’lll miss it so much when they all go..

Speaking of go.. I gotta go.. It’s 9:15is and Diane and I are going over to wish Kathy and Lou a happy 25th anniversary..

more later.. nite all nite Sam

Monday night – Ltitany

This has got to be my favorite time of the year.. .. just as fall starts to kick in. The days are still hot.. but not too hot.. The nights are cool .. but not yet cold. My feet freeze when I run in the morning.. but I need AC on the drive home. The air is soft .. no bugs.. Even as it rained today it’s nice. This perfect (for me) weather puts me in a hyperspace-y mood.. I sat at my window at lunch and tried to come up with metaphors.. or were they similes.. well.. they were like similes in any case..:-)
   It struck me as funny that someone sent me a YouTube video of a 3 year old kid reading a Billy Collins poem about metaphores.. It’s called Littany

For the record.. her’s Collins reading it himself.. it starts about a a minte and 54 seconds into the video

I like it when my day has nothing more to cover than kids poetry…
It’s like a not so summer day

nite all.. nite sam