Tuesday night – water, water everywhere…

I’ve got water on the brain.. we’ve had by far the wettest weather I can remember in 30 years of living here.. Just last Friday the river was out of it’s banks again.. Here’s a view of Verberg’s field on route 2..   It was a lake !

Bridge street, The main road in our town was closed at the bridger.. there was about 2 and half feet of water going over the road in a torrent..


I just had to walk out in it ..

On the Rise was an island.. .. Thank goodness it was ‘on the rise’ !

Check out the playground !

Here’s the field in our front yard.. Not the worst flooding. I’ve seen.. but still a little too close for comfort..

All this water brings back memories .. I remember getting evacuated from our house in 1992 by a flood like this.. Diane was pregnant with Sam.  Every year has it’s floods and its droughts,.. The predictable unpredictability of life..

Liek this morning.. we were out of water… go figure !

I’m going to get a drink,


nite all, nite sam



Monday evening – memorial day

Did very little today.. mostly thought about this weekend and the milestones we’ve marked.. took gabe to lacrosse, went for a run, visited freinds chris and kim.. then back to teh house.. I fell asleep on the couch for several hours.. I must have needed the down time..

My only goal for the day was to repair Sam’s old Bronco guitar amp.. it had malfunctioned soon after Ssam’s death.. and had been sitting in my lab since then.. I tracked down the problem to a broken connection. Repaired that and reassembled it.. I made one very important addition to improve the sound quality.. I permanently mounted a samstone inside..

Not much accomplished for a whole day.. but eneough. I suppose…


nite all, nite sam.. hope you all enjoyed your long weekend..

Sunday night- gradmemorialrun

Great day.. too sleepy to blog about it though.. We had a really nice party tonight to celebrate Max’s graduation, mark Sam’s 19th birthday and Ian’s first marathon. There were a ton of people here.. I’t about 1 AM and the crowd is thinning out..


The morning was focused on getting Ian to the Marathon.. Everyone was up and out around 7:00 which is amazing.  I stayed at the house and got ready for tonight.


I didn’t see the race, but deb had my camera.. Here’s some random place on the course.. note the weather.

hey, there’s Ian !

THere he is again !

Ian finished with a good time.. (I don’t know wat it was).. he felt great !.

e got home and showed me what he’d drawn on his legs with sharpgy

one for Dylan and one for Sam.

Folks started showing up around 7. we had a cake for each theme.. What a circle of life….Happy, sad, insane…

Not sure how many folks were there.. but I think we might have had a bout 100 trough the course of the eveing..a great cross section of folks.. there was lots of love around..

We  started with a red bull toast for Sam.

then made ice cream sundaes for everyone.

We sang a happy/sad happy birthday for Sam

then we all went out to the barn and watched Max’s two thesis project movies.. he did the camera, directing ad wrote the  movie in both. They are really excellent.. I was so proud of him !

Can you imagine a more diverse reason to get together ? I can’t.. but that’s life !


night all, nite sam !



Saturday – Sam’s 19th birthday

Today would have been your 19th birthday… it’s still unbelievable to me that you’re not here with us now. We miss your shining smile, your mischief, your goofiness.. Your still so much part of our lives.

Today mom, max, gabe chai satori an i took a hike just to hang out together and think of you.. We went up the catamount trail.. It was warm and muggyy.. it reminded us of Costa Rica.. We talked about how much cooler Vermont would be if we just had a few dinosaurs.. or at least a few monkeys…



We found some cool places for samstones on our walk today.. one was under a waterfall. max, gabe and I stuck our heads under there… for you.. .you’d do it if you were here..


Then the three of us jumped n the river.. we felt cold and alive.. and thought of you…

Sam’s freinds dropped by to say hi

Now we’re heading up to Tim and Jen’s for a small dinner.. we’ll have a cake for you..

Tomorrow folks are coming over to celebrate Max’s graduation.. we’ll toast you, too.

OK.. gotta run up to our friends.. Me miss you so much my son.. I’ll love you forever..

nite all, nite sam.. happy birthday my son…