Monday night – dependance day

4th of july.. one of my favorite days of the year.. one of my family’s favorites as well. So, so many memories on this day.. the parade , the happening on the green,  the fireworks, the lazy day at the house with folks dropping by.. so many things  I’ve come to depend on.. .. Today was perfect.. we rode our bikes to Bressors to watch the parade.. the parade felt more fun and upbeat. than it has in years. ,, the folks on the green seemed cheerei.. the chicken barbecue smoke smelt chickinier.. It was Richmond at it’s summer best..


When we’d had our full of that, we rode home and chilled as a steady stream of folks came and went.. some old friends, some new friends.. We ate, swam and hung upside down.. before I knew it .. it was about 6.   Time, Jen. David, Deborah . dine and I got innertubes and had gabe drop us off at triple buckets (how’s that for a swap)   The six of us tubed down the Huntington almost back to the house.. it was amazingly beautiful and fun..

The.. it was time for fireworks.. …  in the spirit of the sweet ‘dependence’ i have on this day.. I offer you my firework pictures for the year..


Hope oyu all had a great and happy 4th as well !

happy 4th of july !

nite all, nite sam




Sunday afternoon – Sleepy Monkey

Just got back from an absolutely amazing trip down to Watson’s Glenn to see Phish.You, gentle reader will already know thta it was my first live Phish show and I’m officially hooked. There’s something magical happens when the band is on stage.. I’ve been to lots (and lots and lots) of live music shows.. and I think this was my favorite ever..



Not only was the music great .. but the weather and the setting were very good too. Watkins Glenn is on Lake Seneca

I went out on a short boat trip on the lake with friends.. and it was beautiful . The lake is 39 miles long and over 600 feet deep in places.

There were places where waterfalls emptied straight into the llake like this… it was a couple of hundred feet of drop. . other places were sheer cliffs.. pretty and cragy…

The boat ride was a great way to ease into the day (except that I left my wallet on the boat…!)

From there I drove on over to the concert venue and got a good look around in the light. The theme this year was about the evolution of power.. all types..  Most of it revolved around ‘ball square’.. thee was a factory. a mill, a forge,  and a self storage facility.. everything attached by moving ropes. There were some other cool themes mixed in… Today there was a running of the bulls.. I dropped in to see the folks making very cool bull heads out of craft paper and tape..


Wierd art was everywhere.. it was a little like burning man.. but about half the temperature.. and twice the amount of clothing.

I rant into my friend Liggy  on the crew and he told me that they were having electrical problems with one of the set pieces… a huge tent set up as a giant piball lounge…. I sensed an opportunity to make myself useful so I volunteered to take a look. Turns out the installation boss was none other than my freind Kat….a great metal worker friend..


I spent the afternoon set working on two of the set pieces tat seemed to have been damaged by some sort of over voltage event…

here are some pics of the insallation during the day

and during the night

the power supply for the lights and bells in two of the bumpers were fried….

I climbed into each of them, tested the supplies, found which ones were bad and spliced in the new ones..

and did a little customizing while I was in there.. 🙂

Here’s Kat   she did the metal and plastic work for the whole set..

here’s here assistant for the job.. Tom (i think)

I also ran into Kat and my mutal freind John (Aka Yolk) .. Yolk runs the burlignton Iron Pour.. and awsoem event where folks cast multon iron into thins of great beuty and soemwhat lesser utility..


Yolk was there ‘working’ in the little forge they set up as part of the theme.. Trouble is, fire code prevented him from having a real fire. Instead he had a fake forge with a red light in it.. and he spent his days hammering on cold metal.. He said he  was forging ‘irony’..

in the old forgery..


I ran into several other friends from the Burlington crafts community I knew..I got to hang out with hem at their camp for awhile..

It was then time to head back for the evening set..   I ran into friend Josh

and nick and his young friend Rosie.

As the sun dropped, people found their perch for the eveing show.. it was a beutiful evening.. warm and dry..

Then out came the band .. and I lost tracl of time.  The music put me in such a good place.. my face hhurt from smiling by the end of the night !

I particularly dug the lights.. I spent a long time watching the lights and the control panel thay run them.. I want to learn to make devices like that !

One cool tradition is the throwing of glow sticks.. they were EVERYWHERE.. there were millions of them.. at good parts of a song everyone heaved their bundle of sticks into the sky.. it was a magical effect.. difficult to catch on camera.. but so amazing.. then .. everyone would bend down and scoop up a noterh handfull and let fly at the next crescendo

I saw how folks found creative ways of using the glowies to outline their possesions for easy finding..


So I did the same..

The show.. went to abotu 1:30. I wanted it to keep going..

abou 1:30 the band snuck out to a ‘secret’ location in the ball square and did a surprise 4th set ther ein teh ‘sefl storage’ building. It wasn’t much of a secret.. thee place was packed by 1am  with folks eager to here more


The set was mostly a jam.. you couldn’t see the band.. they played behind very cool translucent sheets. that reflected and diffused light in amazing ways..


The guys ended witha great version of Sleepy Monkey.. a great way to end my experience.. I drove back to the hotel and got there around 4 am.. tired and happy

I woke at 8 and started the long drive home..

Still sleepy.. still happy


I want to thank all the folks at the festival for putting on such and amazing show.and for letting me and everyone else there be part of it. . I love the folks I met and appreciate the huge energy and passion that folks put in to soemthing like this..


so . Thanks to everyone .. !.. and very special thanks for some !

Nite all .. nite sam !



ps. Oh.. one quick additional chapter.. as I headed back towards Vermont, I realized that i’d get within 4 miles of my inlaws Gabe and Marcia.. so I payed a surprise morning visit to them !.. It was great to squeeze that in to the trip.. Love you gabe and marcia..


Friday night – Gone Phishing !

It’s 3am and I just got to my hotel .. I’m down in watkins glenn Ny for a 3 day Phish festival. It’s my frist live Phish show.. though I’ve been listening to the band.. and it’s various spin offs for years. I’ve seen a lot of live shows in my lif.. but the one tonight has got to be one of the best I’ve ever seen. It’s too late to say too much about it tonight.. I’ll add some details tomorrow.. Here’s a summary.:


Long. long drive down. beautiful scenery.. Got in a little late.. but first set was just starting. Go my pass and made my way to the middle of the crowd.. Ran into friend Tim… how cool is that.. ?

between sets tracked down friends Kim and Chris.. hung out with them and their friends awhile

2nd set was AWESOME.. definitely the best light show I’ve ever seen.. couldn’t keep my eyes off it.. music was fantastic.. just a great night !

folks were lighting candle lanterns.. beautiful but crazy.. (beautiful and crazy !)

The side of the stage

The front of the stage at encore..

Afterwords a bunch of us cruised around in the crowd.. we stopped in to this place selling drums.. there was a great jam going on..


It was a GREAT night.. … I love the energizing power of live music.. !. gotta sleep now..

nite all, nite sam