Tag Archives: dependance day

Monday night – dependance day

4th of july.. one of my favorite days of the year.. one of my family’s favorites as well. So, so many memories on this day.. the parade , the happening on the green,  the fireworks, the lazy day at the house with folks dropping by.. so many things  I’ve come to depend on.. .. Today was perfect.. we rode our bikes to Bressors to watch the parade.. the parade felt more fun and upbeat. than it has in years. ,, the folks on the green seemed cheerei.. the chicken barbecue smoke smelt chickinier.. It was Richmond at it’s summer best..


When we’d had our full of that, we rode home and chilled as a steady stream of folks came and went.. some old friends, some new friends.. We ate, swam and hung upside down.. before I knew it .. it was about 6.   Time, Jen. David, Deborah . dine and I got innertubes and had gabe drop us off at triple buckets (how’s that for a swap)   The six of us tubed down the Huntington almost back to the house.. it was amazingly beautiful and fun..

The.. it was time for fireworks.. …  in the spirit of the sweet ‘dependence’ i have on this day.. I offer you my firework pictures for the year..


Hope oyu all had a great and happy 4th as well !

happy 4th of july !

nite all, nite sam

