Thursday night – quaquaversal

Quaquaversal — a funny word.. it means ” directed outwards in all directions from a common center”.. that where we are today.. I’m in Almaden California, max went back to NY, Deb and the kids went to NH.. etc.. it was nice all being together for a few days..

not much to report on my day.. The high point of my day was a very nice dinner with cousins mark, kathy and josh.. and got to play with their dog, JD.. which made me miss my mafily and my dogs a bit more..

The second most high point of my day was coming outside at 7 AM and seeing this staggering variety of moths around our back door.. .. I think you’ll agree. it’s cool !

gotta sleep now.. more tomorrow !
nite all, nite sam !

Wednesday night – Hot

I walked out of work today at 6PM and almost melted.. the car thermometer said 89.. 89 !.. That would normally be one of our hottest summer days.. and it’s still only June 1. I am such a wimp when it comes to heat. I’m not comfortable when it’s over 70..   At 80 I wilt  at 90 I’m incapacitated.. how in the world did I ever live in Houston ? !

The car air conditioning has been out for several years.. it’s not something we normally need.. I got home.. the house was in the 80’s inside .. no escape..  Outside things were a little better because there was a breeze.. albeit a hot breeze..

We took advantage of the nice night to mess around with this hige ball that Max gave Gabe.. it’s inflatable and you get inside it.. We tossed it on the tramp and took turns getting inside.. A great way to forget your troubles.

I looked up and saw into Sam’s room.. I could see the spiral he drew on his ceiling right before he died.. In some cultures a spiral is a door to another world.


ok.. time for bed..

Now it’s down to 70 inside and outside.. and it’s only going to get up into the 50’s tomorrow.. now that’s my kind of weather-

nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night – water, water everywhere…

I’ve got water on the brain.. we’ve had by far the wettest weather I can remember in 30 years of living here.. Just last Friday the river was out of it’s banks again.. Here’s a view of Verberg’s field on route 2..   It was a lake !

Bridge street, The main road in our town was closed at the bridger.. there was about 2 and half feet of water going over the road in a torrent..


I just had to walk out in it ..

On the Rise was an island.. .. Thank goodness it was ‘on the rise’ !

Check out the playground !

Here’s the field in our front yard.. Not the worst flooding. I’ve seen.. but still a little too close for comfort..

All this water brings back memories .. I remember getting evacuated from our house in 1992 by a flood like this.. Diane was pregnant with Sam.  Every year has it’s floods and its droughts,.. The predictable unpredictability of life..

Liek this morning.. we were out of water… go figure !

I’m going to get a drink,


nite all, nite sam



Monday evening – memorial day

Did very little today.. mostly thought about this weekend and the milestones we’ve marked.. took gabe to lacrosse, went for a run, visited freinds chris and kim.. then back to teh house.. I fell asleep on the couch for several hours.. I must have needed the down time..

My only goal for the day was to repair Sam’s old Bronco guitar amp.. it had malfunctioned soon after Ssam’s death.. and had been sitting in my lab since then.. I tracked down the problem to a broken connection. Repaired that and reassembled it.. I made one very important addition to improve the sound quality.. I permanently mounted a samstone inside..

Not much accomplished for a whole day.. but eneough. I suppose…


nite all, nite sam.. hope you all enjoyed your long weekend..