Sunday night – mishpokhe

Perfect day in Vermont.. We got about 2 inches of snow last night which qualifies this as the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) real snowfall for the year.. that is just so strange. Diane and I took advantage of the dusting to get out our cross country skis and take the dogs down b the river. It felt great doing something a little wintery I am just not ready for spring.. but it feels like spring even now.

The rest of the day was quiet and peaceful.. I don’t remember doing much other than going to a Feldenkreis class and Marsha and Ira’s. I forgot to take pictures, but their yoga studio has a picture perfect view of Camels ump.. that was dusted white and sunny in the background. Really an amazing view.

Diane and I had a light dinner out then she dropped me at the airport for my trip down here to Armonk..

Since I don’t have pictures from the day. I’ve decided to share some pictures from my new found 4th cousin Mengele (aka Michael). He’s doing some genealogical tracing of my Mom’s family. Seems his grandmother and my mom’s grandmother were sisters. He’s the guy that photographed my great-great grandfathers tombstone

Anyway Mengele is somehow involved in a new museum of Jewish Emigrants in NYC.. It traces the background of all those relatives we all have that “… arrived with only a dollar in their pocket”  and went on to make bank in either textiles, real estate, law.. bah, blah, bah..   It’s funny how many of these rags to riches stories I remember hearing as I grew up.. It seems so many of ours and our freinds  relatives arrived on these shores as paupers and went on to wealth.that it didn’t make sense. Malcom Gladwell took this point on in his book Outliers It seems our progenitors landed on these shores at just the right time.. with just the right skills and just the right work ethic. . All we have to do is tell the story backwards to make their success seem so very unlikely..

Mengele’s museum is evidently full of posters about individuals and families . He sent me the following ones about distant family members.. or Mishpokhe (משפּחה)as we say in Yiddish. .. every one of them an Outlier.. I enjoy reading these and hope to find the museum one of these days..

Who knows what folks will write about us when we’re gone..
will they write at all ? Or are we writing our own histories ? (.. and are you reading one right now ? )

nite all, nite sam

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