Hello from the deck of maxs boat.. it’s a warm and muggy night down here in Brooklyn.. Max and his freinds and I are just hanging out on the bow of the boat.. all working.. We’re right under the flight path for jfk which keeps covering us with a numbing wall of sound . I got here around 7 after a full day of travel and work.. I slept well on the plane(s) .. and ended up pretty well rested at LGA around 10.. I had a full day of interesting meetings at Research punctuated with ultra brief chance meetings in the hall.The fact that I didn’t have time to talk to folks i saw makes me feel like a really bad friend.. I need to get down here for a longer and slower visit..
Tonight has been a welcome slow point in an otherwise hectic week.. Max, Jac and Dave and I went to a cool middle eastern sandwich place for dinner. They had a sauce they called red harissa that was unlike anything I ha ever tasted. it was hot and spicey.. but not sharp.. more of a warming heat.. really yumm.. I want to go back there and get some..
Not much more to report today.. hmm.. rocket went up (wasn’t THAT COOOOOOL !) .. Facebook went down.. and more or less, all is right with the world
Blogging tonight one handed from a long baggage line waiting to board an oversold plane. I have the middle seat on the back non reclining row. It’s going to be a longgggg might
Good day hear, though. Good , productive meetings. A great 4 mile run in the palo alto hills around the radio telescope.. Then dinner with Rafe and his lovely family…
Ahhh just got ‘upgraded’ to a different middle seat. A bit better. More tomorrow
Greetings from Milpitas.. I’m on abotu 3 hours sleep.. so I can’t write much.. but I’m out here for an early work meeting tomorrow morning. My meeting happened to allow me to catch the last 6 hours of the Bay area makerfaire..
I can’t even begin to start describing it.. Well over 100 thousand folks.. most of them makers of things.. wandered through the perfect weather looking at made device.. eating made food, trading stuff.. and just soaking it all in as I did.. highlights for me were the people.. a few things that come to my foggy mind right now was
Arc attacks musical tesla coil
cool neons wall size rainbow wall
slaparoos slap bass made of banding strap
fresh hibiscus water to drink
electric imps 802.11 direct to cloud solution
the panel on kick starter
seeing my freind dale
grow your own mushroom kits
flameing pipe organ
cupcake cars
steampunk mega bike
the solar powerd stage with (I think) kurt cobains daughter
seeign adam savage in the makerfaire office
flaming lotus girls
watching the solar eclipse !!!!!!!!!
watching the people watch the solar eclipse !!!!!!!!!!
using my cousin bills eclipse sun dial !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
having my head 3d scanned
the hot sauce on the spinach kinesh (not the kniish.. just the hot sauce)
the list could go on.. but I need to sleep.. It was so great seeign so many.. and such a diverse group of folks come together to celibrate the maker spirit. THis is such great thing for me to see as we plan our own Champlain Makerfaire in Sept of 2012.. It’s going to be great !!!
I finished the evening by visiting Rafe and Laurence and their beautiful oh-so kids.. that was so sweet. Great dinner, great hanging out.. even got to read the kids some bed time books.. including some of my old favs..
ok.. that’s it for now. more tomorrow..
nite all, nite sam
Absolutely glorious day here in Vermont . Almost 80 degrees and no humidity. W usually have only a few of these days every year, but we’ve been blessed with quite a few this spring. It was a perfect day for gabes lacrosse game this morning…I was able to watch the game without thinking about anything else.. Another blessing..
The rest of the day we spent puttering around the yard just thinking of excuses to stay outside. A our only plan for the day was to go to friend Patrick’s graduation party.. Many of our friends are graduating from college this week. .. Today was a party for pat.. Tomorrow one for Marie. W got to pats house and his parents met us at the door…. Turns out that pat wasn’t going to make his own party. Last night at a pre graduation party another kid got a little out of hand and managed to sucker punch pat in the face. It broke his cheek bone and eye socket.. Today he had surgery to repair everything which included the addition of a steel plate.. He was still in the hospital tonight..but his folks had ordered the food… So the show had to go on. we had a nice time toasting the grad while he sat in the hospital. The good news is that he was getting released tonight…. Alls well that ends well..
Congrats to all you grads.. Good luck in the world and keep your guard up !
Note all, nite sam
Ps. Here’s a view of the sunset reflected in the towers window a few minutes ago..