Tag Archives: Grad less

Saturday night – grad less

Absolutely glorious day here in Vermont . Almost 80 degrees and no humidity. W usually have only a few of these days every year, but we’ve been blessed with quite a few this spring. It was a perfect day for gabes lacrosse game this morning…I was able to watch the game without thinking about anything else.. Another blessing..
The rest of the day we spent puttering around the yard just thinking of excuses to stay outside. A our only plan for the day was to go to friend Patrick’s graduation party.. Many of our friends are graduating from college this week. .. Today was a party for pat.. Tomorrow one for Marie. W got to pats house and his parents met us at the door…. Turns out that pat wasn’t going to make his own party. Last night at a pre graduation party another kid got a little out of hand and managed to sucker punch pat in the face. It broke his cheek bone and eye socket.. Today he had surgery to repair everything which included the addition of a steel plate.. He was still in the hospital tonight..but his folks had ordered the food… So the show had to go on. we had a nice time toasting the grad while he sat in the hospital. The good news is that he was getting released tonight…. Alls well that ends well..

Congrats to all you grads.. Good luck in the world and keep your guard up !

Note all, nite sam




Ps. Here’s a view of the sunset reflected in the towers window a few minutes ago..
