Thursday night – maker day

Not much happened today which is good new. Diane is out of town doing a yoga training so its just gabe and i holding down the fort.. No news is good news means were managing pretty well. Diane doesnt have to be out of town for us to appreciate her… But when shes gone it sure makes us realize just how much she does for us and the house… (Thanks love !)

Since nothing happened today, i’ll dip into what happened yesterday. I didn’t talk about it then because i was so psyched to have spoken with my friend Jim who continues to amaze us with his comeback from a traumatic brain injury un a car accident

Anyway yesterday i had two busy days.. Firsta busy day at work.. Then a second busy day after work. It turns out i have three pretty big projects going right now and they are all coming due around the same time. First is a project I’m doing with homer for a friend. Of ours. its a musical device We’re hoping to complete the assembly of these things this weekend..right now homer is working on the lighting.. Its a simple moire pattern .. Very cool in person

Homer and i also have a piece planned for an upcoming show in the firehouse gallery. I involves his meal ‘water paintings’ and my computer controlled lighting. Its really mind blowing in person. Yesterday i finished a simple test lighting jug for homer to work with.. It looks like this…

YouTube Video

Then later in the evening seth, colin , john and i met at the stamp mobile for our first integration of the electro mechanical systems for flipping the signs when a dollar holder comes buy.. At 12:30 last night we had our first complete test after working out a few kinks,, I know this doesn’t look like much but its a real victory,,,,

YouTube Video

Ahhh.. Its 10pm.. Time for another work call Beleive it or not.. More tomorrow

Nite all, nite sam

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