Monday night – care and feeding

Were coming to the end of 10 days on our own. It was just gabe , me and the dogs at home while diane was down in nyc at a yoga class. We managed just fine. Diane doesn’t need to be away for us to realize how much she does to keep us all on track…. What did surprise me though is how much better at regulating things Gabe…and for that matter the dogs… Are than i am. During our brief temporary bachelorhood gabe managed to get himself off to school on time, cook meals, clean up, get all his work done and get to bed at a reasonable time. In contrast i pulled three almost all nighters… Ate irregularly , missed two days of exercise , got way behind on my email and missed my alarm twice.luckily the dogs stepped up and woke me up both times…
As i reflect on the week ii am intensely grateful for having a mate who i miss like crazy when shes gone, a kid who is more together than i will ever be… And two attentive dogs to keep things running smoothly. Thanks to all of them for getting me through the week…. I love you all !

Nite all, nite sam

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