Sunday night – Super Bowl

I’ve never been a sports fan. In fact I’ve never voluntarily watch the sports game that one of my children was not in. Still, I like watching people watch the Superbowl.

Were up at Tim and Jen’s doing just that now. The highlight of the game so far for me has been the failure of the light system. I can’t help thinking of the poor engineers scurrying around somewhere trying to figure out what happened.
That’s actually been a theme I’ve been meditating on for a couple of weeks. It’s probably because I have a couple of very tough projects both at work and at home. It seems to me that one off projects are very difficult to make foolproof on your first try. No matter what you do, you cannot anticipate certain fault scenarios. That kind of resilience is a fundamental aspect of complex systems. There’s no getting around it. Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to be a great excuse tomorrow when that Ford engineers shows up talk to his or her boss. Still, you need to wonder what Beyoncé’s halftime show power requirements were actually. That was pretty cool.… And no wardrobe failure either.

They’re about to recycle the lights so I should get back and pretend to be watching again. I’m not even sure who I’m for, except that I have many relatives in Baltimore. What’s more I guy Arthur Jones went to Diane’s high school. So I guess I’m for Baltimore. But that’s easy to say because they’re ahead.

Night all, night Sam

Location:Wes White Hill,Richmond,United States

Saturday night – Groundhog Day

I woke up this morning knowing it was Groundhog Day. But like the groundhog himself, I could not see my shadow. In fact I couldn’t see anything… My eyes were glued shut my conjunctivitis and spread to my other eye in both eyes were swollen and stuck tight.

It was kind of cool and kind of scary. I had to feel my way to the bathroom and stand under a shower for about 10 minutes before I could unglue my eyes enough to crack them open. It makes one realize how important Our eyesight is to us.
By midmorning, I was feeling pretty Healthy, except for my itching eyes. I called the doctor but was told that I should not go out in public because I was probably pretty contagious. So I spent the entire day inside by myself with the dogs. It was wonderful. I didn’t try to do anything or get anything done.

I guess that means six more weeks of winter. It’s going to be that anyway.

Night all, might Sam
– Me
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday night – artificial tears

8:30 on a friday night and I’m home alone .. music up loud, crying artificial tears..

well, not really crying. I have a pretty funky case of conjunctivitis… aka pinkeye.. My left eyes is oozing fluids of amazing colors and viscosity.. It’s so cool that it more than makes up for the ung-dly itching.

I’ve been meditating on the whole concept of ‘artificial tears’ Having shed enough of the real thing its weird and at the same time, comforting to know that one can purchase extras in case you ever run out of the real ones. I have a feeling that I never will, though. ..

Another bittersweet moment today.. Ben and John drive the stampmobile away.. .leaving the garage.. our second home for the past month… completely empty.

at least for that one shining moment.. everything was working well. It’s been quite an experience gettign that thing working.. I wish them well on their quest.. maybe this will help get money out of politics !

ok.. time to turn the music up REALLY LOUD and start dancing.. there’s no one around to watch…

nite all, nite sam

Thursday night – stamped out

Today was ‘the’ day for the stamp mobile. The thing is rolling out of here tomorrow.. And after one last 3:30 am night last night, john, colin and i ( and seth the day before) finished the last mods to the mechatronics in The beast. I e of the last,steps was to put samstonen in the electronics…box

Im not proud of some of the last minute stuff we had to do… But in the end… Its all working pretty well. (Touch wood). Like most big projects, we all drastically underestimated the time, complexity and range of problems we would encounter. I really don’t have anything to complain About. Poor John and Collin did almost 3 all nighters this week. But what matters I guess, in the end it all worked. To celebrate Ben had a big party in the garage tonight. With Turkish food , beer , wine, Colin brought in a margarita maker.

And we ran the machine for a couple of hours. And believe it or not it just worked.

Now comes cleanup. Ughhhhhhh

Even with the hassles its been a lot of fun. I enjoyed working with the crew., Jerry, pelch, John, John, Colin, Seth , ben et cetera et cetera et cetera. And of course stamper dog Riley

Having a problem that no one has solved before. I also like trying to find unusual uses for normal things to solve unusual problems. There’s no cookbook in the world that has a device like this and it. Nor should there be. Someday I would like to build things like this for a living. I wonder if I could do it somehow in a way that would help the world? ( Actually getting money out of politics… which is the mission of the stamper… is a good place to start !)
Any ideas out there? Id love to hear them !

Ok…i have only had one good nights the last 2 weeks.. Im hoping for one tonight

Nite all, nite sam

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Cochran Rd,Richmond,United States