Friday night – hanging on

After work today I went out to get the pool ready for filling. It's one of our change of season rituals here with lots of hoses to be tightened plugs to be screwed in and Crud to be cleaned. The first task at hand was siphoning off all the water that had gathered on the cover and vacuuming all the rest.

As we were pulling the cover off I heard the loudest croaking sound. I had this image of a huge bullfrog somehow caught in the Cover. I looked everywhere because I didn't want to hurt him (or her)

To my surprise, I found this little guy clinging for dear life halfway up the side of the pool. I have no idea how long he was there, but I know that he would not have lasted long. It would've been no way for him to get out from the covered pool. Come to think of it I may have heard him last night.



Diane ran and got a bucket and a nap while I administered psychotherapy. The frog was definitely's a little traumatized by fast but he sat there gracefully well I maneuvered him into the bucket and covered it. Diane and I then escorted the little guy to our neighbors frog pond. It would be like going from the Worst imaginable prison to the nicest possible hotel.


I don't know if he was scared or happy to see me. (My frog is a little rusty).. But I left our short relationship knowing that I was best thing that happened to that little guy all day. Nice to be satisfied by at least something like that everyday.

Moments later, Diane was rewarded by for our kindness by being stung by a wasp was hiding under the pool cover. There is no justice I say!



More tomorrowNight all, night Sam– Me


One thought on “Friday night – hanging on”

  1. I laughed aloud at this post, beautifully put. What strange, wonderful little things that remind us that we’re lucky to be human!

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