Sort of epiphany today. Not a Big deal, but it came to me while I was trying to multitask as I was getting out of the house for an early meeting which I ended up not actually making it to. The Insight was this. I have crammed my mind so full of small things that I'm not making any time to think. It's like the old saw from the Stephen Covey books that if you try to fit big rocks into a jar that's already full of sand you can't do it but if you put the rocks in first then fill the Sand in and you can. … Only here Its with thinking.
I meditated on this again as I was supposed to be listening to phone calls and working on presentations. Yet another example of being permanently distracted. I know this might seem obvious to other people but I think I have been a major denial about the degree to which I seek out distraction. What's not to like about something new and exciting. It always is more appealing than the thing you really need to get done.
So, note to self. I'm going to try to do fewer things and do them better. I know that kind of resolution sometime sounds hollow, but I have a good track record of changing my life once I've committed to something like that. For example in January 2012 I committed, along with son Max, to build more things, and talk less about them until they are done. I redirected my energy and time around that idea I've been on a Very Productive making/building kick since. . In 2009 I committed myself to do in education outreach on a more international scale. Since that day I've been over 20 countries with a message of bringing more people to engineering and science.
So… Now I'm committing to trying to do fewer things and try to do them better. The nice thing about blogging like this, it's a great record of commitments I need to myself. Here's to me in the future looking back at keeping that pledge
Nite all, nite sam