Tag Archives: Booga

Tuesday night – BOOGA – the talking truck !

Last Thursday Max was surprised to learn that his late submission to the Red Bull Creation Contest was accepted.. that was the good news.. The bad news was that the results had to be posted by Midnight Saturday. That gave us just over 2 days to whip something together. while most folks had.several weeks. .. We did the best we could.which was really fun.. . The Challenge came with a kit of parts, a special arduino based Turbull Encabulator board (a great homage to historical geek jargon) , some LED strips and almost no rules. The idea was to make something cool..


The project Max chose was to give a little sparkle to his new 5 ton diesel friend Booga.. I was working here on the code while Max, Doc Adventure and Liam worked on the truck. It was quite an adventure debugging remotely.. but it was fun.

Heres what came of it..

More to report on the day.. need ot switch computers though.. so I’ll post then add…

nite for now

Ok back with Important other parts of the evening.

First after yoga Diane cooked dinner entirely in her new Vitamax blender. She’s been eying this thing for years and finally caved in and bought nothing. it’s like half chainsaw, half food processor. It’s right out of those Will it blend?Saturday Night Live skits. This thing is a beast!

Anyway we started with something green I know it had spinach and avocados and apples and it it tasted uhhhhhhhhh……um….. green!


Then we went for red… She made gazpacho, one of my favorites. It was really delicious.


And, believe it or not, she turned the blender on 11 and ran it for five minutes. it warmed up the Cold gazpacho and made it into tomato soup. I’m not saying it warmed it up like a stove it warmed it up by the friction of these blades of doom. Amazing.


Right before dinner,a really awesome thing happened. Our friend Phil, Morgan and their kid James came over.

Yesterday, Phil got some new ink with Sam’s Mayan glyphs.


That’s the design that Sam always wore on a necklace around his neck and that Diane Gabe and I all wear on necklaces around our neck

…. and that Gabe has inked on his arm.




We are So honored and grateful that people are keeping Sam’s presence around us all the time.
Okay that’s a lot for tonight. More tomorrow
Night all, night sam
