Saturday night – Barcelona

Very quiet day today. The big news is that we put game on a plane to Barcelona. He's going to visit a friend he made who was an exchange student here this year. I'm really proud of him wanting to travel like this. This is not the first time he's actually jumped on a plane and gone somewhere else in the world. In fact our kids traveled quite a bit. I think Gabe is been to about 10 countries at this point. He always brags that he's been to Uruguay and I have not. You got to settle the score some point I'm just proud that he wants to explore the world.

It's funny that several folks have asked me if we are hyper protective of our kids after what we have gone through as a family. It's strange, if anything I feel We are all a bit more adventurous.

The way I look at it, you have to let your kids go and explore the world themselves. …and Trust that they will learn the world their own way.


I'm so excited that Gabe has the travel bug that I have. It is added so much to my life.
Safe travels my son
Night all, night Sam


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