Saturday night – all work and almost no play…


Well… not all work, really.. I did have a very nice morning hanging out wiht Diane.. first we said goodbye to our cross country hiker friend Tom.. It was great getting to hang out with him last night and this morning. He’s walking cross country to show hat the world is full of good people.. check out his site if you haven’t already .. its’



For some reason .. both of us were feeling pretty  lazy so we didn’t feel like running.. we went for a hike instead up the catamount trail. It was delightfully cool compared to the last coupe of weeks.. but not too cool for a dip in honey hollow creek.




Swimwear is optional up here in the woods.. so Thank goodness for strategically placed doggies !IMG_1820





The woods were lovely dark and ……. uh… damp… IMG_1833


Just as we got hme, Gabe skyped us from Spain.. he’s on his way home tomorrow. sounds like he’s had a great trip.. can’t wit to hear about ir.. IMG_1835


I love the way skype looks over a low bandwidh connection.. almost like an impressionist painting !IMG_1839

That was the extendt of my playing. I sat down at 1PM to work.. and didn’t look up until 7PM when diane asked if i was hungry..  6 hours wihtout even moving.. ugh.. at least it was interesting !


ok.. time to wathc a movie.. more tomorrow


night all, nite sam


Friday night –

I’m standing outside enjoying the 20° temperature drop that just came through along with howling winds and rain. It feels wonderful. We have an interesting guest at our house tonight is Tom. And he’s walking from Portland Maine to San Diego California. His mission is to spread the word That the world is a better place than we think it is. He says that despite what the news may make you think, the world is safer and more humane than it ever has been. And he has the statistics to prove it. To Show that he has hitchhiked all over the world and is now undertaking this walk to show the world is basically a very good place . He’s asking each person he talks to to do three do good deeds to other people. It’s sort of a pay it forward thing . t’s a very hopeful message… And one that I believe in. You can see his ideas at

Toms relying on just what you can carry in the goodness of the people that he needs to make the journey. He’s walking about 20 miles a day and he has a sign about this message on his back . That’s why I stopped to talk to him as he wakked across the bridge near how are house.

We invited him to stay here tonight and we’ve. Just finished dinner. It was so much fun asking him about his trip so far. since Portland Maine 12 daysnago ? What’s the weirdest thing someone’s asked him (besides me). Where does he sleep? (Behind churches sometimes )What does he eat for lunch? (Sardines, peanut butter)What Route is he planning on taking? (Who knows) What does he do for music? (Nothing) What does he think about most of the time? (Most of the time, nothing) I wonder if I could do something like this?



I love his optimism and his positive message. Please check out his site and Look for him as he crosses our country.

. If you see him, I know he likes pesto noodles.

Niteall, nite sam




Thursday night – reflection

Still hot and humid… I'm finding that I like it more than I think I would. It reminds me of growing up in Houston. You step out of an air-conditioned car and can no longer see because your glasses fog up. It feels like you're moving through wet wool as you walk around. But It's soft and comforting and makes everything kind of dreamlike and slow

Speaking of dreamlike Ive had a Very strange couple of weeks. I've now had about a dozen conversations and at least twice as many Email exchanges with people Who are in transition after leaving the company last week. The face-to-face meetings are very powerful for me. I have no real answers… But I am a good listener. (Or at least I think I'm a good listener.). I am happy to have helped a couple of people find new leads… But no new jobs yet. I have my fingers crossed.

I am so impressed with everyones attitude and vision as they Map out there next career move. Almost all of them plan on using this situation as an opportunity to better align their personal goals with their work goals. Someone to be bolder and start businesses… Some want to be more compassionate and work more with people… Someone to relax more and have less stress. All of these options sound pretty interesting. Though I recognize it's quite scary when you don't have a choice. But I guess we always have a choice

Listening to their stories and plans I cannot help but reflect on my own situation. what do I want to do when I grow up?

Do I want to grow up?

Nite all, nite sam,



Wednesday night – Turning point

I woke up grouchy today it was (and is) still hot.. I’d stayed up late working and hadn’t gotten everything done.. and had a ton of stuff pending for today. to make matters worse I woke to an email from the hosting site that hosts this blog and saying that my site had been hacked

heres what you saw when you ent either to or

I got on the phoen wiht the tech from my hosting company and started griping at him (politely) about the way this all came down.. THey didn’t call me or anything.. just shut down the site. He explained that in the case of an infection like this, they have little chois… He patianly helpde me remove the offending files from my wordpress install. I was still grumbling…

He commented that the site was organized funny from a code level.. I explained that I had done most of it in the weeks and months after Sam died.. and that was when I was still leanring PHP. I explained tha a grieving dad writes strange code..

he paused for a moment….


hten he told me that his wife had died 5 years before.. In a quiet voice he told his wife’s  story

i told him  about Sam.. ..


and we talked about the lessons from loss.. and how easy it was to forget them momentarily like when you let something like a hacked web site ruin your day…   we had a good laugh.. a strange laugh maybe.. about that..

We talked for a while.. then realized we both had to roll back to our jobs.. we switched back to customer /client and said good bye…

Sams’ site was back up in a few minutes..


and so were my spirits..



thanks stratlogic guy !

nite all, ntite sam
