Wednesday night – bluebird

Diane and i woke up in Endicott after 9 hours of sleep last night.. We packed, said goodbye to Dianes mom.. Then drove to the hospital to visit Diane's dad, gabe. Gabe was still asleep..he looked pretty good.. We sat with him for about half an hour .. My sister in law pat was there visiting with gabe as well.. So we used the time to catch up with her.

Around 9 we got back in the car and headed toward home…it was a beautiful day to be in an air conditioned with the temperature in the 90's. diane drove the whol way leaving me free to bug here.. Work and sleep.. What a luxury.

We got home just in time to grab a car and drive tot he airport to return the rental car…, drive hoem and jump into the pool.. We hbit had stuff going tonight.. Diane had zoomba and feldenkreis and i had a Vermont makers board meeting at the bluebird

It was great catching up with my maker friends.. I felt so hip sitting in the bluebird with all those artistic folks.. Were planning a busy agenda for the coming year.. Theres so much going on.. The maker meet-ups, the book club, art hop, the champlain maikerfaire and the opening early next year of our public makerspace Generator…

I feel so lucky to be part of this movement

Nite all, nite sam



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