Friday night – zombie apocolypse

Just finished watching World War Z with diane an gabe… Nothing like a good zombie apocalypse move to get your day off of work…. Twisted bodies lurching through the halls, expressionless faces, slack jaws, searching for anything living to feed on….. And that was just my building Actually.. There really was something zombie like about the day..four more friends said they were leaving for other jobs… Pretty dark times…

Its no wonder i want to come home and turn on a movie…

As zombie movies go, this was a pretty good one.. Nothing can compare to Shaun of the Dead for me… But this one had all the right elements.. And not much gore. A perfect blend.. Ive gotten much more partial to zombie flicks since i did the reality show. If you been through one apocalypse, you gotta keep getting more. Ive even been interviewed on several zombie blogs.. And even made a zombie 'dream team' once

Its also interestign to note that vermont often factors big in zombie movies.. Soemthign to be proud of there, i suppose

Im feeling a bit zombielike right now.. So im gonna crawl in bed.. More tomorrow..

Night all, Night sam





One thought on “Friday night – zombie apocolypse”

  1. I seen World war Z in the movie theater and it was awesome! I love Shaun of the dead and have both them. Nothing thing like a great Zombie DVD.

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