Wednesday night – pancakes of my life

I woke this morning after only four hours of sleep. There was a chocolate chip pancake waiting for me and it was still warm. It’s so nice having Diane

back. I’ve been working very hard on Ben’s truck along with my friends Seth, Collin, and John. It’s been a lot of fun. It’s also been a lot more work than any of us ever thought. It has to be done by this Saturday. So it’ll be nice to have that out-of-the-way one way or the other.

I got home at about 1 AM. It felt like I was taking the night off after the two and 3 AM is that I’ve been pulling most of the week. And when I got home there was a wonderful stirfry dinner waiting for me. Oh I love my wife.

It’s time for bed. More tomorrow. – Night all, night Sam

– me

Tuesday night – way too late

Coming back from New York. Caught an earlier flight. Was really looking forward to going home and seeing my family. Unfortunately, we had a mechanical problem with Ben’s car. I had to go in and work with the guys to see if we could fix it.… And we could not. Another late night. It’s so late, that I’m dictating this note into Siri, in the hopes that she can translated into type. Period good old Siri, she seems to have done a pretty good job. Oh well, I will try to get some sleep tonight. Will try to get a fresh start tomorrow. Night all, night Sam – me

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday night – care and feeding

Were coming to the end of 10 days on our own. It was just gabe , me and the dogs at home while diane was down in nyc at a yoga class. We managed just fine. Diane doesn’t need to be away for us to realize how much she does to keep us all on track…. What did surprise me though is how much better at regulating things Gabe…and for that matter the dogs… Are than i am. During our brief temporary bachelorhood gabe managed to get himself off to school on time, cook meals, clean up, get all his work done and get to bed at a reasonable time. In contrast i pulled three almost all nighters… Ate irregularly , missed two days of exercise , got way behind on my email and missed my alarm twice.luckily the dogs stepped up and woke me up both times…
As i reflect on the week ii am intensely grateful for having a mate who i miss like crazy when shes gone, a kid who is more together than i will ever be… And two attentive dogs to keep things running smoothly. Thanks to all of them for getting me through the week…. I love you all !

Nite all, nite sam

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday night – thankful for monday

Another very fun and too busy day..Readers will know that I have a number of techy projects that are coming due in the next few days .. I’ve been flat out trying to get them all done. I’m loving the thinking and stimulation but find myself longing for the relatively manageable hours and mental load of a normal work week.   Today I spent most of the day working on a musical instrument project it’s a large interactive piece with lots of custom software and custom hardware.. Today we (homer, John, Colin and I) did a successful integration test that involved tying three of the prototypes together  using wifi and OSC to create an interactive art/music experience.. when its complete it will be 30 feet long and will be controllable wirelessly by ipad and playable by a crowd  of drunk people ,.. how cool is that. Last night our same team was working on a 12 foot tall, 20 foot long rube goldberg electropolitical (just made that up)  device for entertaining folks and changing the constitution.. it too involves a fair bit of custom hardware and software done in very limited time with a very samll team..

It’s interesting thinking about the intersection of my hobby world and work… not just my work.. but everyone’s work. . How can we  bring more of the energy and creativity of the maker movement into our day jobs. Don’t get me wrong.. Me and my colleagues work very hard and very creatively to solve the problems  as they are framed in the context of corporate innovation. Somehow the rules are different though.> When profit and loss and job assessments are involved, we all tend to get much more linear and risk averse. When one is inventing for the shear joy of creating, the rules seem to be so much different.

I’m going to be thinking of that deeply for the next couple of months… stay tuned..


nite all, nite sam
