Sunday night – my crazy friend Cesar

One of the things I love so much about social networking is the ability to ‘meet’ people that I might never actually have met in person. one of my favorites is my friend Cesar in Brazil.. Cesar is a Doctor (rheumatologist ) , film maker, science promoter.. and all around good guy. I don’t even know how we managed to get connected in Facebook. but his notes to me are always interesting .. and strangely funny.. or funnily strange.  Its been great to get to know him via email He’s made some great videos. promoting science.. or just promoting fun.. . one even includes me as a sock puppet. .. Today he sent me his latest.. and I have no idea how he managed to make this.. but it’s so cool..   Check this out !

I guess if you’re a rheumatologist , you know how to animate bones ! Thank you Cesar.. this really made my day ! Nite all, nite sam -me

One thought on “Sunday night – my crazy friend Cesar”

  1. Ahahah! Well, in a certain way, you also have some credit on all this. YOU encouraged me to restart this hobby, initially done filming and directing my Grandpa, one of the greatest comedy actors and taletellers of all times. It ceased because he went collecting coins at the end of the rainbow and let me with my camera sad and alone, near the time you were also mourning. I think that he is probably telling funny stories to Sam these days. It’s why Sam was honored in the short Professional Hatch video made at your request. Note that my Grandpa is also mentioned at the end of “Flight of the bumblebee, NOT live!” video. Thanks fellow. I’m still waiting you to try my scarlet eggplants with honey at home!

    P.S.: We met when I was searching Tesla coils in Google and all I got was a bearded geek picture of yours. I entered your site to complain why the heck you were flooding my Google, gave some weird tips on your educational projects (you were requesting opinions) and boom, we are here!

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