Wednesday night – nice sad love

My father-in-law gave died yesterday and I spent the day thinking about him.I always try to put words around what I'm feeling… but here I find it hard. I am very sad and at the same time thinking about him makes me happy. He was such a sweet guy… Such a great and gentle spirit.. We all loved him vety much. … i visited his pictures around our house as i paced around the house today . Each time i saw one, i realized i was smiling even as i missed him. It was a nice sad love i felt.

I hope gabe would like being remembered like that… I would

Nite all, nite same


2 thoughts on “Wednesday night – nice sad love”

  1. Dear John,
    First, my condolences on your loss and please pass them along to your wife, as well. You guys will be in my prayers.

    I’m only 25, but I can empathize with that emotion. I lost my Great-Grandfather, Fred Overman, on my birthday back in 2011. I keep a picture of him (and I’m not big on keeping photos around) sitting in my living room. He was part of a generation I feel very blessed to have seen the likes of, and I considered it an honor for him to give me the time of day.
    Before he passed away, we went and saw him in an assisted living facility. While there, I surprised him by playing an original composition of mine on the piano. It was the only time I every saw him weep. I’ll remember that til the day I die. It made me want to cry, hug the man, and tell him how much I loved him. It was masculinity at it’s finest (to me anyways).
    It’s a rare thing, to find another man in this world worth respecting. Someone who we can honor by doing what we know would be right in their eyes. And, when they’re gone, it’s hard not to be mopey and sad. But, in the end, we move on. Because that’s how they would’ve (and I would) want it. Men, for the most part as I see it, want to make a real difference in the world. Not because we want the glory. Not because we want riches. But, because we want those other men to respect us en memoriam when we’re gone because we made such a difference in their lives and the lives of everyone they saw us interact with.
    I hope that might give a sense of breadth to that emotion. I hope it helps. I hope you take the time to pull together with your family as you all go through this. And, keep putting words out there. Somebody will be listening (or reading)


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