Thursday night – makers in the house

Nice treat this evening. I friend John hosted the second makers mixer in his beautiful home in Shelburne. The last meeting, this meeting brought together makers from all of the area maker spaces,maker organizations, the maker fair, universities, industry, and venture capitalists. It was great to see so many familiar faces and meet some new ones. We spent the two hours exchanging ideas and experiences as the maker movement spreads across the state. We had some common experiences and some different ones.


One of the issues that we have to decide as we grow up is when do we converge and when do we work in parallel… There's actually a little friendly competition that goes on between maker organizations as they vie for the attentions of the makers in the area. I think that's healthy!


One thing that was clear is that we're making huge progress in building interest in making things around Vermont . Then again Vermont has always been known for its ingenuity. It's a very exciting time.

Night all, night Sam
– Me


One thought on “Thursday night – makers in the house”

  1. REALLY looking forward to working with this community to help the individuals we work with and for at YAI!!!!!!!!

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