Saturday night – Parasites

Parasites… that’s what we somehow ended up talking about during this lovely meal at tim and jen’s lake house. We talked about liver fluke worms, and eye worms.. and tape worms.. even some crazy kind of long thing that you need to wind up on a matchstick to pull it out. I volunteered that I once picked up some sort of parasite.. never learned what.. after eating street food on the street in Delhi.. (golgoppa )

Nothing like a discussion about tapeworms to stir your appetite..


then a quick walk on the beach




finally a nice bonfire down by the water..


such a  peaceful day. thank you world for that..


nite all. nite sam




Friday night – break it , build it

Settling down after packed day … make that a packed week.. full of meetings, writing, coding, shows, presentations, driving, ….
Took a pause today to pay respects to Bryon a 24 year old neighbor from dugway rosd who died last sunday in a motorcycle accident on duxbury rd. .Bryons brother Corey was a good friend of Sam's when they were both kids. We went to visiting hours at Giffords.It. Was good to see so many folks from the town thierr to support Bryons family. It Was so hard to walk through that heart goes out to Bryon and his family.
I had a hard time transistioning from the very sad scene at Giffords to the very public scene at the firehouse gallery… But i had to dive back in,,, that is what life makes us do..
The show 'break it, build it' began tonight at the BFA. I wan ted to be there for the opening. The show was about fevamping stuff for new uses… So Friend Nick P and I rewrote the interface to floorish to allow folks to 'write' on the floor using. A mobile app ( it looks like this..
Heres what it looks like on the floor of the building
I really enjoyed the other art and artists
I particulalry loved this buzzingznd oaning couch.. And the other works by keagen and his dad nick
I loved beatrices walking thing
This guys stuff was very nice too
I also enjoed these two peices from carl, a son of an ex ibm guy

It was a very full and emotionally charged week. I feel blessed to be sitting here ina quiet house with nothing going on at the moment.. L

Nite all, nite sam



Thursday night – Intrinsic Motivation

I’m down in NY fr a quick trip .   I gave a talk today to another of IBM incoming class of Execs. I love doing these talks because it reminds me why i still love my company. there is such a range of people, interests, specialties and stories.. Lots of stories !

I had a great after meeting dinner with friends Michael, Renee and Sharon.. Really good conversation on a number of topics. One main one on the importance of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. the more I think of it.. many of the things that drive me nuts about big companies, governments.. and.. to be honest.. my elf come about when external motivators like money,  or power take the place of real values like happiness, well being, curiousity, sustainability, etc.   I know it sounds obvious.. but it’s so obvious.. why do we all make that mistake ?

after dinner, we managed to find a little mischief !

oh. and while I’m posting.. here is one of the very cool drone videos that Mathew took of our house the other day..

now.. gotta sleep.. busy day tomorrow.. gotta get an early start back

night all, nite sam

Wednesday night – Craftsbury Uncommons

Long work day today.. but ended with a great thing.. I did a jolts and volts show in the late afternoon up in the Craftsbury Commons Library. It was an hour and a half drive through pouring rain, but it was worth it. The tiny library was packed with kids who loved science.. Nothing I love more. !



What a mess I made !

dnesday noight – 


Thanks you Craftsbury for making me so welcoem..



OK.. now its midnight.. time to start the next phase of my day.. an hour talk wiht my freinds in India.. Wish me luck !


nite all, nite sam !
