Thursday-ish night – just like home

Greetings from Shanghai.. where the weather is just like home.. not my most recent home of Veremont.. bu where I grew up.. In Houston Texas. I landed here today after a 14 hour flight with no power and no movies.. Believe it or not.. i really like it.. i shout off my brain and just hang out… (and went through a few buzillion emails)

It was like landing in a suana.. it was pouring rain and about 90 degrees. i felt like i wrapped in a warm awet blanket .. just like i grew up…

I took the subway ($1)  in the hour or so to town instead of a taxi ($50 !) . and it probably took the same amount of time .. ..


I ended up talking to the guy on the left here.. he saved me from not getting off and changing trains.. he’s studying here.. in chinese !

my hotel i sin Pudong.. near where i usauly stay.. .. this part of town is amazing.. almost all brand new..skyscrapers..  I remember when this was all low older buildings.. there are cranes working everywhere


Finally got to my room around 5.. so nice to have air conditioning !  Heres the view from my room ,

Had a nice dinner with my friend Kerrie who’s in my same hotel.. .. now in some work calls. trying to stay awake.. More tomorrow !

-nite all , nite sam


Tuesday night – baby bottomus

We had a wonderful treat today. Our good friend Scott came by with his lovely partner Kim and their beautiful, beautiful baby Gabe (aka baby bottomus). .. Scott is a good friend of Max’s and ours who now lives in LA.. He’s in town for a week seeing his folks and friends..

We were very glad to be on their tour !


I took lunch time off to float around in the pool with Diane, our Gabe, Scott, Kim and their Gabe… made me so happy to see them so happy !


nite all, nite sam


Monday night – Douglas Sweets

Our friend Deb is on TV !… WCAX did a really nice piece on Douglas Sweets, Deb’s  Scottish shortbread company today, It’s so exciting to see her get this exposure.


We’ve been watching Deb grow this business for the last two and half years.. and have been very happy to be part of her taste testers :-). These are really, really  good cookies..   I love the chocolate dipped ones.. .. I also love how Deb is already doing giveback even as she grows the business. She’s been a big support of the Sam Cohn Foundation we use to support Kids here in Vermont .. She even made a special product called Sam Scones.. that come with a SamStone inside

We’re really proud of you Deb !


Hmmm the only other noteworthy thing that happened today was that I gave a Jolts and Volts show at the Governors Institute  Engineering program tonight. So Fun .. really great group of kids this year… Here are a few scenes from the evening..


a little fun shocking chains of students.


After the show we all went outside for a little craziness…


then a short demo fo the laser cuter..



a really great night.. and proud of my friend Anne for leading her first GIV program !.. Go Anne !


OK.. time for bed..

nite all. nite sam
