Friday night – Gathered for Gabe

We’re all gathered at Diane’s family’s house . Diane’s father Gabe’s funeral is tomorrow morning.We’re all doing pretty well. It’s nice being here with family. We were goign through a bunch of old photos. There’s some great stuff in here !  Gabe is the first row on the right.


Here’s gabe in the army !  What a handsome guy !

Here’s Diane ready for her prom (she’s so cute too !)

Gabe’s folks, Constantine and Pierrene

Check out this pic… I need this for my office !

Gabe and me on our wedding day

High school graduation

healways  had this smile

here’s a machine gabe built at work. What a maker !

High school shop class !

 Gabes to the right of the prof

high school graduation

at our wedding

With a baby,., probably dianes brother steve

Gabe as a baby

There;s that smile again !

As an army recruit..

more time at ibm

nit sure where this was

Dianes brothers joe and Steve are here

OK.. off to sleep.. tomorrow will be a long day.

ite all, nite sam


Thursday night – my own path

Diane is down at her folks house now, Tomorrow Gabe and I will drive down to Endicott to meet up with Diane , Max and Dianes whoel family for her fathers funeral. I’m sad and I’m looking forward ot seeing everyone.

I’ve been  working at home, keeping the home fires burning or not Gabe has come in several times and asked me why i was sitting there freezing while i work because I’d let the fire go out.  At lunch I’ ve been takign the dogs out for a run in order to capture the near spring time warmth (15 degrees .. almost summer !).. Since the floods the other week, the rivershore path is impassible. Its still blocked by desk sized chunks ogf ice that will be there until april.   I’ve been forced to run in the fild. I don’t mind it that much because its in the sunlight.. but te snow is deep enough to make running a little hard.. Liek running on the beech.. Twice I’ve noticed that I’ve been running iun my own footprints.. My pace is the same, so it’s nattural that every footfall lands in a place where I’ve stepped before. As long as I don’t vary my path pr my speed .. i can run easier.. I dont have to break through the crusty snow..

It’s an interesting metaphor in many ways.. am following in my own footsteps ?  i leading my own way.. ? building a path of my own..?    or stuck in a rut that I’ve worn myself..

Maybe some of each..

Gotta think about that..

nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night – nice sad love

My father-in-law gave died yesterday and I spent the day thinking about him.I always try to put words around what I'm feeling… but here I find it hard. I am very sad and at the same time thinking about him makes me happy. He was such a sweet guy… Such a great and gentle spirit.. We all loved him vety much. … i visited his pictures around our house as i paced around the house today . Each time i saw one, i realized i was smiling even as i missed him. It was a nice sad love i felt.

I hope gabe would like being remembered like that… I would

Nite all, nite same


Tuesday night – Gabriel Mariano 11/12/34 – 1/28/14

Diane’s father Gabe Mariano died peacefully this morning sometime before sunrise. He was 79 years old.

Gabe was a wonderful father, father in law and grandfather . He was a warm, quiet , capable and caring man who loved his family. I  had so much respect for him. He always did the right thing.. whether it was doing right by his family. his work, or  fixing his house or yard.  He had a calm and kind presence that I loved to be around and will always remember. We agreed on most things.. most of all, we both love his daughter.

Gabe was born in Binghampton NY  and lived in the area for nearly all his life. He had a big, close and fun Italian family. I will always remember one of the first times I met his family was at a Christmas party His brother and three out of his four sisters and their families were crowded around a table at his mother Pierene’s house loaded with delicious homemade Italian food.. By the second cup of wine, everyone was speaking Italian.. .. A few weeks ago when I visited Gabe, I asked him how he was, and he answered me in Italian .. ‘Bon !’

Gabe really loved his  three kids. nine grandkids  and three great grandkids.   and they loved him. He loved being with our boys.. Here he is with max and baby brother sam..

and here he was with sam and little gabe.. all so cute !

Our Gabe , who’s named after his grandfather was just telling us about the mischief they got into while Big Gabe was up here staung with them one time while DInae and I were away.

Gabe met my mother in law Marcia whiel she was still in high school.. and they had a long full life together. I’ve always felt loved and welcome in their home.

My boys and i particularly loved Grandpa’s basement.  Gabe spent his working life as a machinist and shop steward a first at IBM then and at Mechanical Specialties . He was clever in both his head nad his hands.  He spent hours in the basement with the boys (and me  . if I was lucky).. making things with all the tools. nuts, bolts and fastener in his basement. All were stored neatly in well labeled boxes.. and they sit there still.. He’d help the boys make all sorts of cool gadgets. I think it was their first introduction to making things something all three of my boys love(d) .  He gave me several boxes of those gadgets and I still have them in my shop. Those are still the first boxes I search when I’m looking for an exotic fastener or connector.

Gabe was all about precision. He knew threads and steel gauges and tolerances. We used to tease one another because he spoke in English measure and I spoke in metric. I never knew anyone who could do math in sixty-fourths or thousands like that guy.

I still have a few cool gizmos he made and gave us.. this is one of my favorites.. it’s a square motion that allows a perfectly circular motion. It was the first thing I went an found today when I’d heard he’s died. I wanted to hold it in my hands

We’ve knwn for a few weeks that this day was coming, but it never completely prepares you.  ..I’m really goign to miss you Gabe.. you’ve’ been a great father in law a great role model to me and my kids. I don’t really know what nature has for us after we die, but I have no doubt that your spirit is with us here and with sam somehow.  We’ll always keep you both  in our hearts.

i love you Gabe. I wish you peace.

-nite all, nite sam
