Monday night – long in the tooth

Ended a long day of meetings int he dent ist chair… Was the best part of my day. Our dentist, dr feely, is a real gadget freak and always has the coolest new gear. This time i was due for a new full jaw work up.. It used to mean standing ina thing liek a cat scanner, then waiting for the dilm to develop. Now its a few clicks anda. Digital sensor..sweeeet !


Smile !


Also got another pic of my 'tatoo'. I had that done when i had a crown put in.. It was my work around about getting a tribute tat for sam.. Sinc jews are superstious abotu getting ink… Always fun to see the dental folks look when they come across it,


All looks ok.. Well..almost.. I do need to have an old amalgam feeling redone soemtime.. But tis a small price to pay to be able to check out all this cool new tech gear..

Ok.. All for now..

Nite all, nite sam



Sunday night – my crazy friend Cesar

One of the things I love so much about social networking is the ability to ‘meet’ people that I might never actually have met in person. one of my favorites is my friend Cesar in Brazil.. Cesar is a Doctor (rheumatologist ) , film maker, science promoter.. and all around good guy. I don’t even know how we managed to get connected in Facebook. but his notes to me are always interesting .. and strangely funny.. or funnily strange.  Its been great to get to know him via email He’s made some great videos. promoting science.. or just promoting fun.. . one even includes me as a sock puppet. .. Today he sent me his latest.. and I have no idea how he managed to make this.. but it’s so cool..   Check this out !

I guess if you’re a rheumatologist , you know how to animate bones ! Thank you Cesar.. this really made my day ! Nite all, nite sam -me

Saturday – whats left?

Very slow and peaceful day. The only thing we really did was go on a long walk on the Vermont Association of snow traveler (vast) Trail up stage road from our house. The amazing thing about that walk is that instead of going right on the snowmobile trail as we always do and have done for years we took a left.

There's something about left turns that I find very difficult to do. And perhaps that's why I assumed that there would be nothing beautiful on the left side of the trail it's good to reason, I thought, that all of nature's beauty would be aligned nicely on the right.


So it was with some misgivings and that I actually headed left not right today .but I was glad I did.
The long sloping trail led between stage Road and snipe Ireland Road. (The funny thing is snipe Ireland Road in Richmond becomes snipe Island Road in Jericho… Or is it the other way around? ) Anyway we came out just about the place where the two roads would meet if they really went through. It is a class four jeep trail that you can mountain bike but you never get a car through. Anyway it was a beautiful and different part of the world that was so very. Close to where we've lived for more than 30 years. It always amazes me how much more there is to explore of the world.


Really not much more to share today. Gabe went off to the winter ball looking very dapper he was picking Raya up so we won't see them until afterwards. But here's how he looked

Nice kid!

Guess c that's it for today…
Night all, , night Sam
– Me


Friday night – Walden gulch

Very nice visit with my folks last night. Trying to get down there as much as I can these days.


I had to get up and out of there this morning early to make two calls before going to work at Littleton. I had exactly 25 minutes of free time and as I was driving I saw a sign to Walden pond. Now I am a big fan of Henry David Thoreau. And I couldn't miss a chance to go visit his famous haunt.

I followed my GPS to a pull off and given the time was short I charged into ankle deep snow and ran into the woods in the direction that I thought it was. After about five minutes of running around … no sign of the pond. It might be down in this valley, but I really couldn't tell. All I saw was this cool chimney. Still it felt peaceful in kind of a wet and frozen socks sort of way.



I took about 45 seconds to contemplate life and enjoy the silence and my own company until I got tired of that went back to the car and charge off to my meetings. Late as ever…

Now that's transcendentalism !
Night all, night Sam
– Me