Tuesday night – inside Singapore (late post)

This hasnt happened often.. But i managed to fall asleep before posting last night. My apologies..

I had a good work day yesterday as i got used to the time lag.. Im 12 hourss ahead.. So its tomoorow here alr eady.. I manag ed to catch up on a ton of writing, etc. i stayed inside all day because its hot and humid here.. And i just cant do hot and humid..

I was freaking out about a tlak i had to give this morning (went pretty well !) so i only got outside a couple of times. It was almost 10 pm before i got out.. Took some pics of this very beutiful city.




Oops.. Just got caught typing in a meeting. More later

Nitr sll, nite sam



Sunday morning – Happy fathers day

O the road again early this morning. Thinking of Fathers day. I’m very happy to be a dad and love being a Dad to my boys. Its fun being at the stage in life where I’m learning more from them.. all three of them.. then they ever learned from em. I love you guys


Also thinking of my Dad and Dianes dad. This is the second Fathers day since both of them died. I still think of them both all the time.. and miss their friendship and advice.

Miss you Pa


Miss you Gabe


Happy fathers day to all you Dads out there.

its a fun sport !

talk to you all from the other side of the planet

nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – Zenith Burn

Just back from Chris and Kim’s AMAZING  Zenith solstice burn. We got there about 5 and got to see things when still lit ..

light these cool letters chri made out of strapping



the centerpiece was the mini.. himself



his tornado took a long time to build i hear. Gabel helped !



there was yoga singing and a guy named  Kurt doing sacred bowls massage on diane

and on my freind lea


hey.. look at the Weird brothers.. total coincidence !


the stage too was going to burn tonight.there was an amazingly talented musician up there tonight. laying down trans and looping them as he changed instruments. What a fantastic musician !


here’s the view from above



Homer showed up with a new creation.. A sawdust cannon !



Thalia’s dad was in from Israel. Instant friend !


the view at dusk


then came the free dancer


here’s chris putting in the last of the fireworks




and here’s homers sawdust acanon in action.

here goes the light !

the ini burnt like crazy !




what an amazing event..

What amazing peoplechri and kim are for pulling this all together !


gotta sleep,

nite all, nite sam
