Wednesday night – putting nothing off

Just back from Boston.. My ma sailed through her second cataract surgery with me as her chaufer. I was proud of how she handled it. She’s now instantly keen sighted again.. technology is wonderful stuff.


I had a nice 4 hour drive back and use the time to catch up with work and friend calls. I was speaking with friend Jarrod and we were talking about what I might do after i retire. He quoted someone to the effect that one should not keep putting things one enjoys off until later..


I responded ‘i am putting nothing off’.. he asked surprise. . ‘isn’t there something you’re not doing now that you would like to be doing..?’

I explained that he misunderstood..   By “i was putting nothing off’.. I really meant.. i was putting off doing nothing…. Ie.. i really have never learned to just sit  and do nothing.. and just ‘be’..

hey… there’s no time like the future !

nite all, nite sam



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