Saturday night – Tesla day

Had a quiet day mostly on my own. I use the time to finish buttening up the new Tesla coil that Scott. Rebuilt for me. It’s the second incarnation of the solid-state coil  I built before but Scott has redone   it to make it more robust (hopefully)… or as he says it cohn proof.  Most of what I had to do today was mechanical… Moving components around so that I could put in a bigger supply capacitor. I hope was to get a bigger fatter spark with more current. I have to do some more testing but it looks like it really helped. The sparks are scary even at half Power

I also finished up some mechanical components to make it easier to toss in the car. I put grounded hardware cloth around it in case it  tries to zap itself and made it easier to take on and off the secondary . I  also got the midi controller working much better. I can now play midi songs from my phone and get them to control the spark. It’s still a little sensitive. Things like phones don’t like to be near things like tesla coils 🙂

maybe i shouldnt  either 🙂

Nite all, nite sam




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