friday night – spaced out

I am somewhere over thenorth atlanticnow writing by the miracle of aircraft wifi…i was already feelign pretty philosophical as i head back to  my ramp to holiday spirit.


I was thinking ally about nothing when i came across an article saying that the original voyager 1 spacecraft launched  back in 1977 has crossed into intersteller space…  That means its no longer techically part of our solar system.

. I love thinking that it might soemday be found by others out there looking for a sign from someone like us. What will they make of thepicture of the naked man andd woman plasterd on voyagers tinny buttt

its the first time andnything made by us had been  that far from home…

actually the more it hink of it.. It makes me wonder what ‘us’ means in that context..


Tahts what imthinking about as i stare out into space over this big black ocean


nite all,nite sam





Thursday night – Almost Finnish(ed)

Ahhhh.. just lying down after a long and very interesting day here in Finland. Friends Tin, Milan and I drove about an hour an half up to the town of Kouvola to meet with some really great folks at an incubator up here.. It was well worth the drive..


We got on the road at 7AM.. but it was so dark it felt like 4AM !

We stopped for a quick bite.. see how awake my colleagues are ? 


It was still pretty dark by 8AM 


We got to Kouvola around 9:30 and found our way to our hosts


by 2PM it was getting dark again !

By 3:30 it was night !


Great meeting.. .. grabbed a quick shot of the crew before we let around 5


We drove back to Helsinki and found a cool middle eastern hipster place.. .. the meal started with grog

the dinners were HUGE !


we decided to take a stroll to walk off some of that food.. it was cold and rainey (like home I hear).. but it felt so good to walk



we did a little window shopping .. 


and checked out some public art \


we walked down to the harbor.. then walked back in the drizzle 


now I just gotta sleep Another early morning tomorrow.

more then


nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night – Helsinki

Oops. just noticed it’s almost :30 and I haven’t blogged. I’ve been doing the 15 hour workday over here.. to keep up with stuff back at home. I’m in Helsinki for a meeting tomorrow which I think is going to be really interesting.

Not much to report today (other than I slept till 10:30 AM .. 🙂

Enjoying my trip.. and Missing home..

One thing that happened tonight. Puckett’s sister Miranda sent me a link to a song that she wants played at Pucketts memorial .

It’s called ‘You Should Be Here’ .. by Cole Swindle . I keep listening to it and watching it .. every time gets me crying again  . (and I don’t even like country music..)

Puckett.. you should be here man..

nite  all, niet sam




Tuesday night – Watson IoT Headquarters

Today i was lucky to attend the opening of our new world headquarters for the Watson IoT Group which I am proud to be a part of. It’s n a beautiful high-rise in a nice part of Munich. IThere were folks there from all over the world, IBMers, clients, press.. it really felt good !


the views were stunning

we were each greeted by our name as we came in.. IoT in action


We had a great array of speakers.. including my friend Dr. Kelley 


Our great new GM Harriet


My very cool and superhumanly energetic boss Chris


it was a great feeling seeing this all come together. It really feels like the tstart of something big and important.

I am very psyched to be part of this !


nite all, nite sam
