Gabes home ! After 24 days on the road, more than 5000 miles of driving, three mountains and who knows how many truck stop dinners he and his friends pulled back in to town this afternoon. I told him it was the second gladest ive ever been to see him ( after the day he was born) all night lang hes been telling us great stories from the trip and showing us pictures and movies . What an adventure !
Heres a picture from three dsys ago at 14,000 feet
Busy, busy day…traveling interspaced by good work related conversations… When that happens .. I don’t have much to blog about.. so i think about catching up in the last week. .. (I stop there and realize Major Tom is looping in my head)
Thats it..! I realize that I haven’t talked about.. or completely absorbed David Bowies death… When I first heard that he had passed I was stunned. I had just heard about a new album he was going to release… i had no idea that he was ill.. .. which is something he obviously did know. Thats so like him.. isn’t it ?
Always a surprise. I have always had so respect for the guy. His career was a constant stream of reinvention, ziggy stardust, the thin white duke, aladdin sane, the man who fell to earth…
wow.. ‘the man who fell to earth’.. did you ever see that movie ? .. one of my favorites.. .. It mirrored a dream i always had of coming to a place with special knowledge that could change the world.. …
Long productive day here.. lots of thinking…. lots more to do
really enjoying my visit to texas in the winter.. this morning the air was cool and dry.. like a perfect summer night at home..
After work went to visit good friends and very gracious hosts Carl and Brynn. We took a 2,5 mile walk before dinner ..
Brynn pointed at something big sitting on one of the suburban lawns.. it was a deer.. no.. wait.. it was several deer.. then.. there were more across the street.. then more.. It amazed me that these big animals could be living in such a populated place, They did not seem bothered at all by our passing by..
and one very strange deer….. at least I think thats what i heard Brynn called him 🙂
Sitting in a hotel room thinking about what to blog about four today. Today was full of very interesting technical meetings… Nothing I can discuss here. I was just setting my alarm to wake me for tomorrow and I noticed something interesting. My iPhone records every time I have set an alarm for cents… I guess since I’ve had an Apple phone. I found it really interesting to look at all of the different times that I either woken or had to remind myself. I think most of these are actually wait… Either in the morning or from a nap.