tuesday night – daylight savings

We’re two days into daylight savings.. or actually.. off daylight savings.. and I LOVE it.. I love waking up before sunrise.. and I love it still being light at 7pm. i feel 4.1% happier just because of getting to watch the sun rise.. and for hearing the birds in the morning.

At yoga tonight we were all talking about how the tie change effects us.. everyone’s spirits seem to be lifted.. It made me want to learn more about DST.. I didn’t realize it was invented by a guy from new Zealand in 1894.. .. I do remember that it was reinstated during the 1970’s energy crisis..

i learned from our friend betsy that arizona doesn’t do DST.. thats where she grew u… In fact most of the rod doesn’t. mostly the US, Europe, Mongolia and half of Brazil.. (why half)


i’m just glad we do.. Since we didn’t have a winter, it might as well be spring !


nite all nite sam



One thought on “tuesday night – daylight savings”

  1. Enjoyed meeting your sister and her family in Arizona, and as your friend Betsy mentions, Arizona does not observe DST. Caused me some confusion on the trip travelling to adjacent states. According to Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius in the Great Courses lecture series “WWI: The Great War”, DST was adopted in the west during WWI to increase industrial production. I hope that does not dampen your enthusiasm for DST. I enjoy your blog.

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