Monday night – bridge too far

For no sane reason, Diane and I decided to do something different last night.. Around 10pm last night, after that very interesting and relaxing music session at Lotus Lodge, we went and camped out on the new long trail bridge over the winks river.. We drove down to the bridge.. walked half way across and put down ou sleeping pads and sleeping bags and went to sleep.. at least we tried. it was in the high 30’s and blowing 15mph winds.. we fell asleep looking at the beautiful stars.. it was cold and windy hanging out over the middle of the river.. and noisy too. The sound of the river and of the nearby highway.. and the definite unsoftness of the bridge made it not the most comfy place to sleep.. but it sure was fun !..   Around 4:30 this morning we both realized that the other was awake.. and we decided we’d ‘succeeded’.. so we packed up in the cold and drove home for another couple f hours of sleep..

never a dull moment 🙂

nite all,note sam



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