THursday night – STEM night

feelign too busy,. stated work at 6AM and just stopped at 11.. but I did get several hours of fun stuff in this evening. First I went to the Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering (VASE) Spring meeting at UVM..  Tonight we got to visit with soem  of the teachers who received our Hands on Science  Grants  last year.. We got to talk with them and see their projects. It’s great to see the good these grants do. I think We’ve given away about $50K dollars by this point.

Heres a nice woman from VEEP with her wind generation test jig she uses in schools  along with Frank , VASE president. (I didn’t get anyones names tonight !)


here are two other projects.. (sorry I didn;t get more pictures.. was too busy talkign to the teachers 🙂


then we heard really great talks from our two new inductees. The first was by Prof Lesly-Ann Dupigny-Giroux. She is the state climatologist and a great advocate of STEAM education



she showed us a small project developed by my freind mike that she uses with kids. you send it up in the air witha weather baloon and it sends back data.. it’s called a cricket.. because it sure looks like one 🙂



Our asecond inductee was Prof Jim Vigaro . Jim gave a great talkon the biology of flight in bugs. He showed how a single gene caused expressing of a protien that helped give flying insects wing miscles the resiliance they need.. It was really cool to show the process from the gene mutation   to the protein it expressed, tho the muscle fibre structue, and  the structure of the muscle itself . 


i love the VASE meetings.. they are just so fun and geeky !


Afterwards there was a ‘Big Maker’ event sponoserd by the Generator . It was held at Champlain college. The speaker wias Saeed Arida, An MIT Architecutre PhD. whos set up a design oriented school for high school kids in Cambridge. the school sounds SO cool.. everythign is taught in design studios.. lots of iterations.. everything hands on. It was an AMAZING talk.. made me want to go to that school

I saw many freinds at the talk including my buddy Peter.


now its lat and I have to sleep. FIrst call tomorrow is 6:30 am 🙂

nite all, nite sam


ps. Saturday we are markign Sam’s Birthday with a 1PM hike up Bolton and a 5pm potluck here. Please coem join us if you’d like !

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