Monday evening – 5777

שנה טובה everyone.. Happy 5777 !

We had a good new year.. .. for the most part it was a normal workday.. but it was special since my mom was in town.  It’s a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the coming one.

My mom found an apple that had fallen from a tree at the shelbourne museam and we dipped it in honey . to bring on a sweet new year.  I hope its a sweet year  for you and yours ..

This afternoon i took a break and  took my mom  to get her bus back to Boston. (yes.. my 83 year old mom loves taking the bus) .. on the way to the bus we stopped at UVM to grab lunch..

Mom  had tuna.. and I had a burritto.

… and guess how much my Burritto was ?

$7.77 !

.. a rip off.. but a miracle at the same time.. this year is 5777 in the hebrrew calander.. Coincindence ? I dont think so.. it’s a Kahbalistic message of alignment.. !!!

and it was also a damn good burrito !

happy new year Ya’ll !

nite all, nite sam



One thought on “Monday evening – 5777”

  1. Happy New Year John and family!
    I miss seeing you in the hallways at Big Blue and feeding off your contagious positive attitude! You never cease to amaze me!
    Have a great 5777!

    Good night! Good night Sam 🙂

    -Paul Kruse

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